'use strict'; var util = require('../'); var fs = require('fs'); var path = require('path'); var Tempfile = require('temporary/lib/file'); exports['util.callbackify'] = { 'return': function(test) { test.expect(1); // This function returns a value. function add(a, b) { return a + b; } util.callbackify(add)(1, 2, function(result) { test.equal(result, 3, 'should be the correct result.'); test.done(); }); }, 'callback (sync)': function(test) { test.expect(1); // This function accepts a callback which it calls synchronously. function add(a, b, done) { done(a + b); } util.callbackify(add)(1, 2, function(result) { test.equal(result, 3, 'should be the correct result.'); test.done(); }); }, 'callback (async)': function(test) { test.expect(1); // This function accepts a callback which it calls asynchronously. function add(a, b, done) { setTimeout(done.bind(null, a + b), 0); } util.callbackify(add)(1, 2, function(result) { test.equal(result, 3, 'should be the correct result.'); test.done(); }); } }; exports['util'] = { 'error': function(test) { test.expect(9); var origError = new Error('Original error.'); var err = util.error('Test message.'); test.ok(err instanceof Error, 'Should be an Error.'); test.equal(err.name, 'Error', 'Should be an Error.'); test.equal(err.message, 'Test message.', 'Should have the correct message.'); err = util.error('Test message.', origError); test.ok(err instanceof Error, 'Should be an Error.'); test.equal(err.name, 'Error', 'Should be an Error.'); test.equal(err.message, 'Test message.', 'Should have the correct message.'); test.equal(err.origError, origError, 'Should reflect the original error.'); var newError = new Error('Test message.'); err = util.error(newError, origError); test.equal(err, newError, 'Should be the passed-in Error.'); test.equal(err.origError, origError, 'Should reflect the original error.'); test.done(); }, 'linefeed': function(test) { test.expect(1); if (process.platform === 'win32') { test.equal(util.linefeed, '\r\n', 'linefeed should be operating-system appropriate.'); } else { test.equal(util.linefeed, '\n', 'linefeed should be operating-system appropriate.'); } test.done(); }, 'normalizelf': function(test) { test.expect(1); if (process.platform === 'win32') { test.equal(util.normalizelf('foo\nbar\r\nbaz\r\n\r\nqux\n\nquux'), 'foo\r\nbar\r\nbaz\r\n\r\nqux\r\n\r\nquux', 'linefeeds should be normalized'); } else { test.equal(util.normalizelf('foo\nbar\r\nbaz\r\n\r\nqux\n\nquux'), 'foo\nbar\nbaz\n\nqux\n\nquux', 'linefeeds should be normalized'); } test.done(); } }; exports['util.spawn'] = { setUp: function(done) { this.script = path.resolve('test/fixtures/spawn.js'); done(); }, 'exit code 0': function(test) { test.expect(6); util.spawn({ cmd: process.execPath, args: [ this.script, 0 ], }, function(err, result, code) { test.equals(err, null); test.equals(code, 0); test.equals(result.stdout, 'stdout'); test.equals(result.stderr, 'stderr'); test.equals(result.code, 0); test.equals(String(result), 'stdout'); test.done(); }); }, 'exit code 0, fallback': function(test) { test.expect(6); util.spawn({ cmd: process.execPath, args: [ this.script, 0 ], fallback: 'ignored if exit code is 0' }, function(err, result, code) { test.equals(err, null); test.equals(code, 0); test.equals(result.stdout, 'stdout'); test.equals(result.stderr, 'stderr'); test.equals(result.code, 0); test.equals(String(result), 'stdout'); test.done(); }); }, 'non-zero exit code': function(test) { test.expect(7); util.spawn({ cmd: process.execPath, args: [ this.script, 123 ], }, function(err, result, code) { test.ok(err instanceof Error); test.equals(err.message, 'stderr'); test.equals(code, 123); test.equals(result.stdout, 'stdout'); test.equals(result.stderr, 'stderr'); test.equals(result.code, 123); test.equals(String(result), 'stderr'); test.done(); }); }, 'non-zero exit code, fallback': function(test) { test.expect(6); util.spawn({ cmd: process.execPath, args: [ this.script, 123 ], fallback: 'custom fallback' }, function(err, result, code) { test.equals(err, null); test.equals(code, 123); test.equals(result.stdout, 'stdout'); test.equals(result.stderr, 'stderr'); test.equals(result.code, 123); test.equals(String(result), 'custom fallback'); test.done(); }); }, 'cmd not found': function(test) { test.expect(3); util.spawn({ cmd: 'nodewtfmisspelled', }, function(err, result, code) { test.ok(err instanceof Error); test.equals(code, 127); test.equals(result.code, 127); test.done(); }); }, 'cmd not found, fallback': function(test) { test.expect(4); util.spawn({ cmd: 'nodewtfmisspelled', fallback: 'use a fallback or good luck' }, function(err, result, code) { test.equals(err, null); test.equals(code, 127); test.equals(result.code, 127); test.equals(String(result), 'use a fallback or good luck'); test.done(); }); }, 'cmd not in path': function(test) { test.expect(6); var win32 = process.platform === 'win32'; util.spawn({ cmd: 'test\\fixtures\\exec' + (win32 ? '.cmd' : '.sh'), }, function(err, result, code) { test.equals(err, null); test.equals(code, 0); test.equals(result.stdout, 'done'); test.equals(result.stderr, ''); test.equals(result.code, 0); test.equals(String(result), 'done'); test.done(); }); }, 'cmd not in path (with cwd)': function(test) { test.expect(6); var win32 = process.platform === 'win32'; util.spawn({ cmd: './exec' + (win32 ? '.cmd' : '.sh'), opts: {cwd: 'test/fixtures'}, }, function(err, result, code) { test.equals(err, null); test.equals(code, 0); test.equals(result.stdout, 'done'); test.equals(result.stderr, ''); test.equals(result.code, 0); test.equals(String(result), 'done'); test.done(); }); }, 'grunt': function(test) { test.expect(3); util.spawn({ grunt: true, args: [ '--gruntfile', 'test/fixtures/Gruntfile-print-text.js', 'print:foo' ], }, function(err, result, code) { test.equals(err, null); test.equals(code, 0); test.ok(/^OUTPUT: foo/m.test(result.stdout), 'stdout should contain output indicating the grunt task was run.'); test.done(); }); }, 'grunt (with cwd)': function(test) { test.expect(3); util.spawn({ grunt: true, args: [ '--gruntfile', 'Gruntfile-print-text.js', 'print:foo' ], opts: {cwd: 'test/fixtures'}, }, function(err, result, code) { test.equals(err, null); test.equals(code, 0); test.ok(/^OUTPUT: foo/m.test(result.stdout), 'stdout should contain output indicating the grunt task was run.'); test.done(); }); }, 'grunt passes execArgv': function(test) { test.expect(3); util.spawn({ cmd: process.execPath, args: [ '--harmony', process.argv[1], '--gruntfile', 'test/fixtures/Gruntfile-execArgv.js'], }, function(err, result, code) { test.equals(err, null); test.equals(code, 0); test.ok(/^OUTPUT: --harmony/m.test(result.stdout), 'stdout should contain passed-through process.execArgv.'); test.done(); }); }, 'grunt result.toString() with error': function(test) { // grunt.log.error uses standard out, to be fixed in 0.5. test.expect(4); util.spawn({ grunt: true, args: [ 'nonexistentTask' ] }, function(err, result, code) { test.ok(err instanceof Error, 'Should be an Error.'); test.equal(err.name, 'Error', 'Should be an Error.'); test.equals(code, 3); test.ok(/Warning: Task "nonexistentTask" not found./m.test(result.toString()), 'stdout should contain output indicating the grunt task was (attempted to be) run.'); test.done(); }); }, 'custom stdio stream(s)': function(test) { test.expect(6); var stdoutFile = new Tempfile(); var stderrFile = new Tempfile(); var stdout = fs.openSync(stdoutFile.path, 'a'); var stderr = fs.openSync(stderrFile.path, 'a'); var child = util.spawn({ cmd: process.execPath, args: [ this.script, 0 ], opts: {stdio: [null, stdout, stderr]}, }, function(err, result, code) { test.equals(code, 0); test.equals(String(fs.readFileSync(stdoutFile.path)), 'stdout\n', 'Child process stdout should have been captured via custom stream.'); test.equals(String(fs.readFileSync(stderrFile.path)), 'stderr\n', 'Child process stderr should have been captured via custom stream.'); stdoutFile.unlinkSync(); stderrFile.unlinkSync(); test.equals(result.stdout, '', 'Nothing will be passed to the stdout string when spawn stdio is a custom stream.'); test.done(); }); test.ok(!child.stdout, 'child should not have a stdout property.'); test.ok(!child.stderr, 'child should not have a stderr property.'); }, }; exports['util.spawn.multibyte'] = { setUp: function(done) { this.script = path.resolve('test/fixtures/spawn-multibyte.js'); done(); }, 'partial stdout': function(test) { test.expect(4); util.spawn({ cmd: process.execPath, args: [ this.script ], }, function(err, result, code) { test.equals(err, null); test.equals(code, 0); test.equals(result.stdout, 'こんにちは'); test.equals(result.stderr, 'こんにちは'); test.done(); }); } }; exports['util.underscore.string'] = function(test) { test.expect(4); test.equals(util._.trim(' foo '), 'foo', 'Should have trimmed the string.'); test.equals(util._.capitalize('foo'), 'Foo', 'Should have capitalized the first letter.'); test.equals(util._.words('one two three').length, 3, 'Should have counted three words.'); test.ok(util._.isBlank(' '), 'Should be blank.'); test.done(); }; function getType(val) { if (Buffer.isBuffer(val)) { return 'buffer'; } return Object.prototype.toString.call(val).slice(8, -1).toLowerCase(); } exports['util.recurse'] = { setUp: function(done) { this.typeValue = function(value) { return { value: value, type: getType(value), }; }; done(); }, 'primitives': function(test) { test.expect(1); var actual = util.recurse({ bool: true, num: 1, str: 'foo', nul: null, undef: undefined, }, this.typeValue); var expected = { bool: {type: 'boolean', value: true}, num: {type: 'number', value: 1}, str: {type: 'string', value: 'foo'}, nul: {type: 'null', value: null}, undef: {type: 'undefined', value: undefined}, }; test.deepEqual(actual, expected, 'Should process primitive values.'); test.done(); }, 'array': function(test) { test.expect(1); var actual = util.recurse({ arr: [ true, 1, 'foo', null, undefined, [ true, 1, 'foo', null, undefined, ], ], }, this.typeValue); var expected = { arr: [ {type: 'boolean', value: true}, {type: 'number', value: 1}, {type: 'string', value: 'foo'}, {type: 'null', value: null}, {type: 'undefined', value: undefined}, [ {type: 'boolean', value: true}, {type: 'number', value: 1}, {type: 'string', value: 'foo'}, {type: 'null', value: null}, {type: 'undefined', value: undefined}, ], ], }; test.deepEqual(actual, expected, 'Should recurse over arrays.'); test.done(); }, 'object': function(test) { test.expect(1); var actual = util.recurse({ obj: { bool: true, num: 1, str: 'foo', nul: null, undef: undefined, obj: { bool: true, num: 1, str: 'foo', nul: null, undef: undefined, }, }, }, this.typeValue); var expected = { obj: { bool: {type: 'boolean', value: true}, num: {type: 'number', value: 1}, str: {type: 'string', value: 'foo'}, nul: {type: 'null', value: null}, undef: {type: 'undefined', value: undefined}, obj: { bool: {type: 'boolean', value: true}, num: {type: 'number', value: 1}, str: {type: 'string', value: 'foo'}, nul: {type: 'null', value: null}, undef: {type: 'undefined', value: undefined}, }, }, }; test.deepEqual(actual, expected, 'Should recurse over objects.'); test.done(); }, 'array in object': function(test) { test.expect(1); var actual = util.recurse({ obj: { arr: [ true, 1, 'foo', null, undefined, ], }, }, this.typeValue); var expected = { obj: { arr: [ {type: 'boolean', value: true}, {type: 'number', value: 1}, {type: 'string', value: 'foo'}, {type: 'null', value: null}, {type: 'undefined', value: undefined}, ], }, }; test.deepEqual(actual, expected, 'Should recurse over arrays in objects.'); test.done(); }, 'object in array': function(test) { test.expect(1); var actual = util.recurse({ arr: [ true, { num: 1, str: 'foo', }, null, undefined, ], }, this.typeValue); var expected = { arr: [ {type: 'boolean', value: true}, { num: {type: 'number', value: 1}, str: {type: 'string', value: 'foo'}, }, {type: 'null', value: null}, {type: 'undefined', value: undefined}, ], }; test.deepEqual(actual, expected, 'Should recurse over objects in arrays.'); test.done(); }, 'buffer': function(test) { test.expect(1); var actual = util.recurse({ buf: new Buffer('buf'), }, this.typeValue); var expected = { buf: {type: 'buffer', value: new Buffer('buf')}, }; test.deepEqual(actual, expected, 'Should not mangle Buffer instances.'); test.done(); }, 'inherited properties': function(test) { test.expect(1); var actual = util.recurse({ obj: Object.create({num: 1}, { str: {value: 'foo', enumerable: true}, ignored: {value: 'ignored', enumerable: false}, }), }, this.typeValue); var expected = { obj: { num: {type: 'number', value: 1}, str: {type: 'string', value: 'foo'}, } }; test.deepEqual(actual, expected, 'Should enumerate inherited object properties.'); test.done(); }, 'circular references': function(test) { test.expect(6); function assertErrorWithPath(expectedPath) { return function(actual) { return actual.path === expectedPath && actual.message === 'Circular reference detected (' + expectedPath + ')'; }; } test.doesNotThrow(function() { var obj = { // wat a:[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]], // does b:[[[[],[[[],[[[[],[[[],[[[],[[[],[[[],[[[[],[[]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]], // it c:{d:{e:{f:{g:{h:{i:{j:{k:{l:{m:{n:{o:{p:{q:{r:{s:{}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}, // mean t:[{u:[{v:[[[[],[[[],[[[{w:[{x:[[[],[[[{y:[[1]]}]]]]]}]}]]]]]]]]}]}], }; util.recurse(obj, function(v) { return v; }); }, 'Should not throw when no circular reference is detected.'); test.throws(function() { var obj = {a: 1, b: 2}; obj.obj = obj; util.recurse(obj, function(v) { return v; }); }, assertErrorWithPath('.obj'), 'Should throw when a circular reference is detected.'); test.throws(function() { var obj = {a:{'b b':{'c-c':{d_d:{e:{f:{g:{h:{i:{j:{k:{l:{}}}}}}}}}}}}}; obj.a['b b']['c-c'].d_d.e.f.g.h.i.j.k.l.obj = obj; util.recurse(obj, function(v) { return v; }); }, assertErrorWithPath('.a["b b"]["c-c"].d_d.e.f.g.h.i.j.k.l.obj'), 'Should throw when a circular reference is detected.'); test.throws(function() { var obj = {a: 1, b: 2}; obj.arr = [1, 2, obj, 3, 4]; util.recurse(obj, function(v) { return v; }); }, assertErrorWithPath('.arr[2]'), 'Should throw when a circular reference is detected.'); test.throws(function() { var obj = {a: 1, b: 2}; obj.arr = [{a:[1,{b:[2,{c:[3,obj,4]},5]},6]},7]; util.recurse(obj, function(v) { return v; }); }, assertErrorWithPath('.arr[0].a[1].b[1].c[1]'), 'Should throw when a circular reference is detected.'); test.throws(function() { var obj = {a: 1, b: 2}; obj.arr = []; obj.arr.push(0,{a:[1,{b:[2,{c:[3,obj.arr,4]},5]},6]},7); util.recurse(obj, function(v) { return v; }); }, assertErrorWithPath('.arr[1].a[1].b[1].c[1]'), 'Should throw when a circular reference is detected.'); test.done(); }, };