var expect = require('expect.js'); var cheerio = require('../..'); describe('$(...)', function() { describe('.css', function() { it('(prop): should return a css property value', function() { var el = cheerio('
  • '); expect(el.css('hai')).to.equal('there'); }); it('([prop1, prop2]): should return the specified property values as an object', function() { var el = cheerio('
  • '); expect(el.css(['margin', 'color'])).to.eql({ margin: '1px', color: 'blue' }); }); it('(prop, val): should set a css property', function() { var el = cheerio('
  • '); el.css('color', 'red'); expect(el.attr('style')).to.equal('margin: 0; color: red;'); expect(el.eq(1).attr('style')).to.equal('color: red;'); }); it('(prop, ""): should unset a css property', function() { var el = cheerio('
  • '); el.css('padding', ''); expect(el.attr('style')).to.equal('margin: 0;'); }); it('(prop): should not mangle embedded urls', function() { var el = cheerio('
  • '); expect(el.css('background-image')).to.equal('url('); }); it('(prop): should ignore blank properties', function() { var el = cheerio('
  • '); expect(el.css()).to.eql({color:'#aaa'}); }); it('(prop): should ignore blank values', function() { var el = cheerio('
  • '); expect(el.css()).to.eql({position:'absolute'}); }); describe('(prop, function):', function() { beforeEach(function() { this.$el = cheerio('
    '); }); it('should iterate over the selection', function() { var count = 0; var $el = this.$el; this.$el.css('margin', function(idx, value) { expect(idx).to.equal(count); expect(value).to.equal(count + 'px'); expect(this).to.equal($el[count]); count++; }); expect(count).to.equal(3); }); it('should set each attribute independently', function() { var values = ['4px', '', undefined]; this.$el.css('margin', function(idx) { return values[idx]; }); expect(this.$el.eq(0).attr('style')).to.equal('margin: 4px;'); expect(this.$el.eq(1).attr('style')).to.equal(''); expect(this.$el.eq(2).attr('style')).to.equal('margin: 2px;'); }); }); it('(obj): should set each key and val', function() { var el = cheerio('
  • '); el.css({ foo: 0 }); expect(el.eq(0).attr('style')).to.equal('padding: 0; foo: 0;'); expect(el.eq(1).attr('style')).to.equal('foo: 0;'); }); describe('parser', function(){ it('should allow any whitespace between declarations', function() { var el = cheerio('
  • '); expect(el.css(['one', 'two'])).to.eql({ one: 0, two: 1 }); }); }); }); });