var expect = require('expect.js'); var cheerio = require('../..'); var fruits = require('../fixtures').fruits; var vegetables = require('../fixtures').vegetables; var food = require('../fixtures').food; var chocolates = require('../fixtures').chocolates; var inputs = require('../fixtures').inputs; var toArray =; describe('$(...)', function() { var $; beforeEach(function() { $ = cheerio.load(fruits); }); describe('.attr', function() { it('() : should get all the attributes', function() { var attrs = $('ul').attr(); expect('fruits'); }); it('(invalid key) : invalid attr should get undefined', function() { var attr = $('.apple').attr('lol'); expect(attr); }); it('(valid key) : valid attr should get value', function() { var cls = $('.apple').attr('class'); expect(cls).to.equal('apple'); }); it('(valid key) : valid attr should get name when boolean', function() { var attr = $('').attr('autofocus'); expect(attr).to.equal('autofocus'); }); it('(key, value) : should set attr', function() { var $pear = $('.pear').attr('id', 'pear'); expect($('#pear')).to.have.length(1); expect($pear)$); }); it('(key, value) : should set attr', function() { var $el = cheerio('
').attr('class', 'pear'); expect($el[0].attribs['class']).to.equal('pear'); expect($el[1].attribs).to.equal(undefined); expect($el[2].attribs['class']).to.equal('pear'); }); it('(key, value) : should return an empty object for an empty object', function() { var $src = $().attr('key', 'value'); expect($src.length).to.equal(0); expect($src[0]); }); it('(map) : object map should set multiple attributes', function() { $('.apple').attr({ id: 'apple', style: 'color:red;', 'data-url': '' }); var attrs = $('.apple').attr(); expect('apple'); expect('color:red;'); expect(attrs['data-url']).to.equal(''); }); it('(key, function) : should call the function and update the attribute with the return value', function() { var $fruits = $('#fruits'); $fruits.attr('id', function(index, value) { expect(index).to.equal(0); expect(value).to.equal('fruits'); return 'ninja'; }); var attrs = $fruits.attr(); expect('ninja'); }); it('(key, value) : should correctly encode then decode unsafe values', function() { var $apple = $('.apple'); $apple.attr('href', '">alert("XSS!")'); }); it('(key, value) : should coerce values to a string', function() { var $apple = $('.apple'); $apple.attr('data-test', 1); expect($apple[0].attribs['data-test']).to.equal('1'); expect($apple.attr('data-test')).to.equal('1'); }); it('(key, value) : handle removed boolean attributes', function() { var $apple = $('.apple'); $apple.attr('autofocus', 'autofocus'); expect($apple.attr('autofocus')).to.equal('autofocus'); $apple.removeAttr('autofocus'); expect($apple.attr('autofocus')); }); it('(key, value) : should remove non-boolean attributes with names or values similar to boolean ones', function() { var $apple = $('.apple'); $apple.attr('data-autofocus', 'autofocus'); expect($apple.attr('data-autofocus')).to.equal('autofocus'); $apple.removeAttr('data-autofocus'); expect($apple.attr('data-autofocus')); }); }); describe('.data', function() { beforeEach(function() { $ = cheerio.load(chocolates); }); it('() : should get all data attributes initially declared in the markup', function() { var data = $('.linth').data(); expect(data).to.eql({ highlight: 'Lindor', origin: 'swiss' }); }); it('() : should get all data set via `data`', function() { var $el = cheerio('
'); $'a', 1); $'b', 2); expect(${ a: 1, b: 2 }); }); it('() : should get all data attributes initially declared in the markup merged with all data additionally set via `data`', function() { var $el = cheerio('
'); $'b', 'b'); expect(${ a: 'a', b: 'b' }); }); it('() : no data attribute should return an empty object', function() { var data = $('.cailler').data(); expect(data); }); it('(invalid key) : invalid data attribute should return `undefined` ', function() { var data = $('.frey').data('lol'); expect(data); }); it('(valid key) : valid data attribute should get value', function() { var highlight = $('.linth').data('highlight'); var origin = $('.linth').data('origin'); expect(highlight).to.equal('Lindor'); expect(origin).to.equal('swiss'); }); it('(key) : should translate camel-cased key values to hyphen-separated versions', function() { var $el = cheerio('
'); expect($'ThreeWordAttribute'))'a'); expect($'fooBar_baz-'))'b'); }); it('(key) : should retrieve object values', function() { var data = {}; var $el = cheerio('
'); $'test', data); expect($'test')); }); it('(key) : should parse JSON data derived from the markup', function() { var $el = cheerio('
'); expect($'json')).to.eql([1,2,3]); }); it('(key) : should not parse JSON data set via the `data` API', function() { var $el = cheerio('
'); $'json', '[1, 2, 3]'); expect($'json'))'[1, 2, 3]'); }); // See and it('(key) : should ignore the markup value after the first access', function() { var $el = cheerio('
'); expect($'test'))'a'); $el.attr('data-test', 'b'); expect($'test'))'a'); }); it('(key) : should recover from malformed JSON', function() { var $el = cheerio('
'); expect($'custom'))'{{templatevar}}'); }); it('(hyphen key) : data addribute with hyphen should be camelized ;-)', function() { var data = $('.frey').data(); expect(data).to.eql({ taste: 'sweet', bestCollection: 'Mahony' }); }); it('(key, value) : should set data attribute', function() { // Adding as object. var a = $('.frey').data({ balls: 'giandor' }); // Adding as string. var b = $('.linth').data('snack', 'chocoletti'); expect('balls')).to.eql('giandor'); expect('snack')).to.eql('chocoletti'); }); it('(map) : object map should set multiple data attributes', function() { var data = $('.linth').data({ id: 'Cailler', flop: 'Pippilotti Rist', top: 'Frigor', url: '' })['0'].data; expect('Cailler'); expect(data.flop).to.equal('Pippilotti Rist'); expect('Frigor'); expect(data.url).to.equal(''); }); describe('(attr) : data-* attribute type coercion :', function() { it('boolean', function() { var $el = cheerio('
'); expect($'bool')); }); it('number', function() { var $el = cheerio('
'); expect($'number')); }); it('number (scientific notation is not coerced)', function() { var $el = cheerio('
'); expect($'sci'))'1E10'); }); it('null', function() { var $el = cheerio('
'); expect($'null')); }); it('object', function() { var $el = cheerio('
'); expect($'obj')).to.eql({ a: 45 }); }); it('array', function() { var $el = cheerio('
'); expect($'array')).to.eql([1, 2, 3]); }); }); }); describe('.val', function() { beforeEach(function() { $ = cheerio.load(inputs); }); it('.val(): on select should get value', function() { var val = $('select#one').val(); expect(val).to.equal('option_selected'); }); it('.val(): on option should get value', function() { var val = $('select#one option').eq(0).val(); expect(val).to.equal('option_not_selected'); }); it('.val(): on text input should get value', function() { var val = $('input[type="text"]').val(); expect(val).to.equal('input_text'); }); it('.val(): on checked checkbox should get value', function() { var val = $('input[name="checkbox_on"]').val(); expect(val).to.equal('on'); }); it('.val(): on unchecked checkbox should get value', function() { var val = $('input[name="checkbox_off"]').val(); expect(val).to.equal('off'); }); it('.val(): on radio should get value', function() { var val = $('input[type="radio"]').val(); expect(val).to.equal('off'); }); it('.val(): on multiple select should get an array of values', function() { var val = $('select#multi').val(); expect(val).to.have.length(2); }); it('.val(value): on input text should set value', function() { var element = $('input[type="text"]').val('test'); expect(element.val()).to.equal('test'); }); it('.val(value): on select should set value', function() { var element = $('select#one').val('option_not_selected'); expect(element.val()).to.equal('option_not_selected'); }); it('.val(value): on option should set value', function() { var element = $('select#one option').eq(0).val('option_changed'); expect(element.val()).to.equal('option_changed'); }); it('.val(value): on radio should set value', function() { var element = $('input[name="radio"]').val('off'); expect(element.val()).to.equal('off'); }); it('.val(value): on radio with special characters should set value', function() { var element = $('input[name="radio[brackets]"]').val('off'); expect(element.val()).to.equal('off'); }); it('.val(values): on multiple select should set multiple values', function() { var element = $('select#multi').val(['1', '3', '4']); expect(element.val()).to.have.length(3); }); }); describe('.removeAttr', function() { it('(key) : should remove a single attr', function() { var $fruits = $('#fruits'); expect($fruits.attr('id')); $fruits.removeAttr('id'); expect($fruits.attr('id')); }); it('should return cheerio object', function() { var obj = $('ul').removeAttr('id'); expect(obj)$); }); }); describe('.hasClass', function() { function test(attr) { return cheerio('
'); } it('(valid class) : should return true', function() { var cls = $('.apple').hasClass('apple'); expect(cls); expect(test('foo').hasClass('foo')); expect(test('foo bar').hasClass('foo')); expect(test('bar foo').hasClass('foo')); expect(test('bar foo bar').hasClass('foo')); }); it('(invalid class) : should return false', function() { var cls = $('#fruits').hasClass('fruits'); expect(cls); expect(test('foo-bar').hasClass('foo')); expect(test('foo-bar').hasClass('foo')); expect(test('foo-bar').hasClass('foo-ba')); }); it('should check multiple classes', function() { // Add a class $('.apple').addClass('red'); expect($('.apple').hasClass('apple')); expect($('.apple').hasClass('red')); // Remove one and test again $('.apple').removeClass('apple'); expect($('li').eq(0).hasClass('apple')); // expect($('li', $fruits).eq(0).hasClass('red')); }); }); describe('.addClass', function() { it('(first class) : should add the class to the element', function() { var $fruits = $('#fruits'); $fruits.addClass('fruits'); var cls = $fruits.hasClass('fruits'); expect(cls); }); it('(single class) : should add the class to the element', function() { $('.apple').addClass('fruit'); var cls = $('.apple').hasClass('fruit'); expect(cls); }); it('(class): adds classes to many selected items', function() { $('li').addClass('fruit'); expect($('.apple').hasClass('fruit')); expect($('.orange').hasClass('fruit')); expect($('.pear').hasClass('fruit')); }); it('(class class class) : should add multiple classes to the element', function() { $('.apple').addClass('fruit red tasty'); expect($('.apple').hasClass('apple')); expect($('.apple').hasClass('fruit')); expect($('.apple').hasClass('red')); expect($('.apple').hasClass('tasty')); }); it('(fn) : should add classes returned from the function', function() { var $fruits = $('#fruits').children(); var args = []; var thisVals = []; var toAdd = ['apple red', '', undefined]; $fruits.addClass(function(idx) { args.push(toArray(arguments)); thisVals.push(this); return toAdd[idx]; }); expect(args).to.eql([ [0, 'apple'], [1, 'orange'], [2, 'pear'] ]); expect(thisVals).to.eql([ $fruits[0], $fruits[1], $fruits[2] ]); expect($fruits.eq(0).hasClass('apple')); expect($fruits.eq(0).hasClass('red')); expect($fruits.eq(1).hasClass('orange')); expect($fruits.eq(2).hasClass('pear')); }); }); describe('.removeClass', function() { it('() : should remove all the classes', function() { $('.pear').addClass('fruit'); $('.pear').removeClass(); expect($('.pear').attr('class')); }); it('("") : should not modify class list', function() { var $fruits = $('#fruits'); $fruits.children().removeClass(''); expect($('.apple')).to.have.length(1); }); it('(invalid class) : should not remove anything', function() { $('.pear').removeClass('fruit'); expect($('.pear').hasClass('pear')); }); it('(no class attribute) : should not throw an exception', function() { var $vegetables = cheerio(vegetables); expect(function() { $('li', $vegetables).removeClass('vegetable'); }) .to.not.throwException(); }); it('(single class) : should remove a single class from the element', function() { $('.pear').addClass('fruit'); expect($('.pear').hasClass('fruit')); $('.pear').removeClass('fruit'); expect($('.pear').hasClass('fruit')); expect($('.pear').hasClass('pear')); }); it('(single class) : should remove a single class from multiple classes on the element', function() { $('.pear').addClass('fruit green tasty'); expect($('.pear').hasClass('fruit')); expect($('.pear').hasClass('green')); expect($('.pear').hasClass('tasty')); $('.pear').removeClass('green'); expect($('.pear').hasClass('fruit')); expect($('.pear').hasClass('green')); expect($('.pear').hasClass('tasty')); }); it('(class class class) : should remove multiple classes from the element', function() { $('.apple').addClass('fruit red tasty'); expect($('.apple').hasClass('apple')); expect($('.apple').hasClass('fruit')); expect($('.apple').hasClass('red')); expect($('.apple').hasClass('tasty')); $('.apple').removeClass('apple red tasty'); expect($('.fruit').hasClass('apple')); expect($('.fruit').hasClass('red')); expect($('.fruit').hasClass('tasty')); expect($('.fruit').hasClass('fruit')); }); it('(class) : should remove all occurrences of a class name', function() { var $div = cheerio('
'); expect($div.removeClass('x').hasClass('x')); }); it('(fn) : should remove classes returned from the function', function() { var $fruits = $('#fruits').children(); var args = []; var thisVals = []; var toAdd = ['apple red', '', undefined]; $fruits.removeClass(function(idx) { args.push(toArray(arguments)); thisVals.push(this); return toAdd[idx]; }); expect(args).to.eql([ [0, 'apple'], [1, 'orange'], [2, 'pear'] ]); expect(thisVals).to.eql([ $fruits[0], $fruits[1], $fruits[2] ]); expect($fruits.eq(0).hasClass('apple')); expect($fruits.eq(0).hasClass('red')); expect($fruits.eq(1).hasClass('orange')); expect($fruits.eq(2).hasClass('pear')); }); }); describe('.toggleClass', function() { it('(class class) : should toggle multiple classes from the element', function() { $('.apple').addClass('fruit'); expect($('.apple').hasClass('apple')); expect($('.apple').hasClass('fruit')); expect($('.apple').hasClass('red')); $('.apple').toggleClass('apple red'); expect($('.fruit').hasClass('apple')); expect($('.fruit').hasClass('red')); expect($('.fruit').hasClass('fruit')); }); it('(class class, true) : should add multiple classes to the element', function() { $('.apple').addClass('fruit'); expect($('.apple').hasClass('apple')); expect($('.apple').hasClass('fruit')); expect($('.apple').hasClass('red')); $('.apple').toggleClass('apple red', true); expect($('.fruit').hasClass('apple')); expect($('.fruit').hasClass('red')); expect($('.fruit').hasClass('fruit')); }); it('(class true) : should add only one instance of class', function () { $('.apple').toggleClass('tasty', true); $('.apple').toggleClass('tasty', true); expect($('.apple').attr('class').match(/tasty/g).length).to.equal(1); }); it('(class class, false) : should remove multiple classes from the element', function() { $('.apple').addClass('fruit'); expect($('.apple').hasClass('apple')); expect($('.apple').hasClass('fruit')); expect($('.apple').hasClass('red')); $('.apple').toggleClass('apple red', false); expect($('.fruit').hasClass('apple')); expect($('.fruit').hasClass('red')); expect($('.fruit').hasClass('fruit')); }); it('(fn) : should toggle classes returned from the function', function() { $ = cheerio.load(food); $('.apple').addClass('fruit'); $('.carrot').addClass('vegetable'); expect($('.apple').hasClass('fruit')); expect($('.apple').hasClass('vegetable')); expect($('.orange').hasClass('fruit')); expect($('.orange').hasClass('vegetable')); expect($('.carrot').hasClass('fruit')); expect($('.carrot').hasClass('vegetable')); expect($('.sweetcorn').hasClass('fruit')); expect($('.sweetcorn').hasClass('vegetable')); $('li').toggleClass(function() { return $(this).parent().is('#fruits') ? 'fruit' : 'vegetable'; }); expect($('.apple').hasClass('fruit')); expect($('.apple').hasClass('vegetable')); expect($('.orange').hasClass('fruit')); expect($('.orange').hasClass('vegetable')); expect($('.carrot').hasClass('fruit')); expect($('.carrot').hasClass('vegetable')); expect($('.sweetcorn').hasClass('fruit')); expect($('.sweetcorn').hasClass('vegetable')); }); }); describe('.is', function () { it('() : should return false', function() { expect($('').is()); }); it('(true selector) : should return true', function() { expect(cheerio('#vegetables', vegetables).is('ul')); }); it('(false selector) : should return false', function() { expect(cheerio('#vegetables', vegetables).is('div')); }); it('(true selection) : should return true', function() { var $vegetables = cheerio('li', vegetables); expect($$vegetables.eq(1))); }); it('(false selection) : should return false', function() { var $vegetableList = cheerio(vegetables); var $vegetables = $vegetableList.find('li'); expect($$vegetableList)); }); it('(true element) : should return true', function() { var $vegetables = cheerio('li', vegetables); expect($$vegetables[0])); }); it('(false element) : should return false', function() { var $vegetableList = cheerio(vegetables); var $vegetables = $vegetableList.find('li'); expect($$vegetableList[0])); }); it('(true predicate) : should return true', function() { var result = $('li').is(function() { return this.tagName === 'li' && $(this).hasClass('pear'); }); expect(result); }); it('(false predicate) : should return false', function () { var result = $('li').last().is(function() { return this.tagName === 'ul'; }); expect(result); }); }); });