'use strict'; var legacyLog = require('../'); var Log = legacyLog.Log; // Helper for testing stdout var hooker = require('hooker'); function stdoutEqual(test, callback, expected) { var actual = ''; // Hook process.stdout.write hooker.hook(process.stdout, 'write', { // This gets executed before the original process.stdout.write. pre: function(result) { // Concatenate uncolored result onto actual. actual += result; // Prevent the original process.stdout.write from executing. return hooker.preempt(); }, }); // Execute the logging code to be tested. callback(); // Restore process.stdout.write to its original value. stdoutUnmute(); // Actually test the actually-logged stdout string to the expected value. // test.equal(legacyLog.uncolor(actual), expected); test.equal(actual, expected); } // Outright mute stdout. function stdoutMute() { hooker.hook(process.stdout, 'write', { pre: function() { return hooker.preempt(); }, }); } // Unmute stdout. function stdoutUnmute() { hooker.unhook(process.stdout, 'write'); } // Helper function: repeat('a', 3) -> 'aaa', repeat('a', 3, '-') -> 'a-a-a' function repeat(str, n, separator) { var result = str; for (var i = 1; i < n; i++) { result += (separator || '') + str; } return result; } var fooBuffer = new Buffer('foo'); exports['Log instance'] = { setUp: function(done) { this.grunt = {fail: {errorcount: 0}}; done(); }, 'write': function(test) { test.expect(4); var log = new Log(); stdoutEqual(test, function() { log.write(''); }, ''); stdoutEqual(test, function() { log.write('foo'); }, 'foo'); stdoutEqual(test, function() { log.write('%s', 'foo'); }, 'foo'); stdoutEqual(test, function() { log.write(fooBuffer); }, 'foo'); test.done(); }, 'writeln': function(test) { test.expect(4); var log = new Log(); stdoutEqual(test, function() { log.writeln(); }, '\n'); stdoutEqual(test, function() { log.writeln('foo'); }, 'foo\n'); stdoutEqual(test, function() { log.writeln('%s', 'foo'); }, 'foo\n'); stdoutEqual(test, function() { log.writeln(fooBuffer); }, 'foo\n'); test.done(); }, 'warn': function(test) { test.expect(5); var log = new Log({grunt: this.grunt}); stdoutEqual(test, function() { log.warn(); }, 'ERROR'.red + '\n'); stdoutEqual(test, function() { log.warn('foo'); }, '>> '.red + 'foo\n'); stdoutEqual(test, function() { log.warn('%s', 'foo'); }, '>> '.red + 'foo\n'); stdoutEqual(test, function() { log.warn(fooBuffer); }, '>> '.red + 'foo\n'); test.equal(this.grunt.fail.errorcount, 0); test.done(); }, 'error': function(test) { test.expect(5); var log = new Log({grunt: this.grunt}); stdoutEqual(test, function() { log.error(); }, 'ERROR'.red + '\n'); stdoutEqual(test, function() { log.error('foo'); }, '>> '.red + 'foo\n'); stdoutEqual(test, function() { log.error('%s', 'foo'); }, '>> '.red + 'foo\n'); stdoutEqual(test, function() { log.error(fooBuffer); }, '>> '.red + 'foo\n'); test.equal(this.grunt.fail.errorcount, 4); test.done(); }, 'ok': function(test) { test.expect(4); var log = new Log({grunt: this.grunt}); stdoutEqual(test, function() { log.ok(); }, 'OK'.green + '\n'); stdoutEqual(test, function() { log.ok('foo'); }, '>> '.green + 'foo\n'); stdoutEqual(test, function() { log.ok('%s', 'foo'); }, '>> '.green + 'foo\n'); stdoutEqual(test, function() { log.ok(fooBuffer); }, '>> '.green + 'foo\n'); test.done(); }, 'errorlns': function(test) { test.expect(2); var log = new Log({grunt: this.grunt}); stdoutEqual(test, function() { log.errorlns(repeat('foo', 30, ' ')); }, '>> '.red + repeat('foo', 19, ' ') + '\n>> '.red + repeat('foo', 11, ' ') + '\n'); test.equal(this.grunt.fail.errorcount, 1); test.done(); }, 'oklns': function(test) { test.expect(1); var log = new Log(); stdoutEqual(test, function() { log.oklns(repeat('foo', 30, ' ')); }, '>> '.green + repeat('foo', 19, ' ') + '\n>> '.green + repeat('foo', 11, ' ') + '\n'); test.done(); }, 'success': function(test) { test.expect(4); var log = new Log(); stdoutEqual(test, function() { log.success(); }, ''.green + '\n'); stdoutEqual(test, function() { log.success('foo'); }, 'foo'.green + '\n'); stdoutEqual(test, function() { log.success('%s', 'foo'); }, 'foo'.green + '\n'); stdoutEqual(test, function() { log.success(fooBuffer); }, 'foo'.green + '\n'); test.done(); }, 'fail': function(test) { test.expect(4); var log = new Log(); stdoutEqual(test, function() { log.fail(); }, ''.red + '\n'); stdoutEqual(test, function() { log.fail('foo'); }, 'foo'.red + '\n'); stdoutEqual(test, function() { log.fail('%s', 'foo'); }, 'foo'.red + '\n'); stdoutEqual(test, function() { log.fail(fooBuffer); }, 'foo'.red + '\n'); test.done(); }, 'header': function(test) { test.expect(5); var log = new Log(); stdoutEqual(test, function() { log.header(); }, ''.underline + '\n'); stdoutEqual(test, function() { log.header(); }, '\n' + ''.underline + '\n'); stdoutEqual(test, function() { log.header('foo'); }, '\n' + 'foo'.underline + '\n'); stdoutEqual(test, function() { log.header('%s', 'foo'); }, '\n' + 'foo'.underline + '\n'); stdoutEqual(test, function() { log.header(fooBuffer); }, '\n' + 'foo'.underline + '\n'); test.done(); }, 'subhead': function(test) { test.expect(5); var log = new Log(); stdoutEqual(test, function() { log.subhead(); }, ''.bold + '\n'); stdoutEqual(test, function() { log.subhead(); }, '\n' + ''.bold + '\n'); stdoutEqual(test, function() { log.subhead('foo'); }, '\n' + 'foo'.bold + '\n'); stdoutEqual(test, function() { log.subhead('%s', 'foo'); }, '\n' + 'foo'.bold + '\n'); stdoutEqual(test, function() { log.subhead(fooBuffer); }, '\n' + 'foo'.bold + '\n'); test.done(); }, 'writetableln': function(test) { test.expect(1); var log = new Log(); stdoutEqual(test, function() { log.writetableln([10], [repeat('foo', 10)]); }, 'foofoofoof\noofoofoofo\nofoofoofoo\n'); test.done(); }, 'writelns': function(test) { test.expect(1); var log = new Log(); stdoutEqual(test, function() { log.writelns(repeat('foo', 30, ' ')); }, repeat('foo', 20, ' ') + '\n' + repeat('foo', 10, ' ') + '\n'); test.done(); }, 'writeflags': function(test) { test.expect(3); var log = new Log(); stdoutEqual(test, function() { log.writeflags(['a', 'b']); }, 'Flags: ' + 'a'.cyan + ', ' + 'b'.cyan + '\n'); stdoutEqual(test, function() { log.writeflags(['a', 'b'], 'Prefix'); }, 'Prefix: ' + 'a'.cyan + ', ' + 'b'.cyan + '\n'); stdoutEqual(test, function() { log.writeflags({a: true, b: false, c: 0, d: null}, 'Prefix'); }, 'Prefix: ' + 'a'.cyan + ', ' + 'b=false'.cyan + ', ' + 'c=0'.cyan + ', ' + 'd=null'.cyan + '\n'); test.done(); }, 'always': function(test) { test.expect(3); var log = new Log(); test.strictEqual(log.always, log); test.strictEqual(log.verbose.always, log); test.strictEqual(log.notverbose.always, log); test.done(); }, 'or': function(test) { test.expect(2); var log = new Log(); test.strictEqual(log.verbose.or, log.notverbose); test.strictEqual(log.notverbose.or, log.verbose); test.done(); }, 'hasLogged': function(test) { // Should only be true if output has been written! test.expect(24); var log = new Log(); test.equal(log.hasLogged, false); test.equal(log.verbose.hasLogged, false); test.equal(log.notverbose.hasLogged, false); log.write(''); test.equal(log.hasLogged, true); test.equal(log.verbose.hasLogged, true); test.equal(log.notverbose.hasLogged, true); log = new Log({verbose: true}); log.verbose.write(''); test.equal(log.hasLogged, true); test.equal(log.verbose.hasLogged, true); test.equal(log.notverbose.hasLogged, true); log = new Log(); log.notverbose.write(''); test.equal(log.hasLogged, true); test.equal(log.verbose.hasLogged, true); test.equal(log.notverbose.hasLogged, true); stdoutMute(); log = new Log({debug: true}); log.debug(''); test.equal(log.hasLogged, true); test.equal(log.verbose.hasLogged, true); test.equal(log.notverbose.hasLogged, true); stdoutUnmute(); // The following should be false since there's a verbose mismatch! log = new Log(); log.verbose.write(''); test.equal(log.hasLogged, false); test.equal(log.verbose.hasLogged, false); test.equal(log.notverbose.hasLogged, false); log = new Log({verbose: true}); log.notverbose.write(''); test.equal(log.hasLogged, false); test.equal(log.verbose.hasLogged, false); test.equal(log.notverbose.hasLogged, false); // The following should be false since there's a debug mismatch! log = new Log(); log.debug(''); test.equal(log.hasLogged, false); test.equal(log.verbose.hasLogged, false); test.equal(log.notverbose.hasLogged, false); test.done(); }, 'muted': function(test) { test.expect(30); var log = new Log(); test.equal(log.muted, false); test.equal(log.verbose.muted, false); test.equal(log.notverbose.muted, false); test.equal(log.options.muted, false); test.equal(log.verbose.options.muted, false); test.equal(log.notverbose.options.muted, false); log.muted = true; test.equal(log.muted, true); test.equal(log.verbose.muted, true); test.equal(log.notverbose.muted, true); test.equal(log.options.muted, true); test.equal(log.verbose.options.muted, true); test.equal(log.notverbose.options.muted, true); log.muted = false; test.equal(log.muted, false); test.equal(log.verbose.muted, false); test.equal(log.notverbose.muted, false); test.equal(log.options.muted, false); test.equal(log.verbose.options.muted, false); test.equal(log.notverbose.options.muted, false); log.options.muted = true; test.equal(log.muted, true); test.equal(log.verbose.muted, true); test.equal(log.notverbose.muted, true); test.equal(log.options.muted, true); test.equal(log.verbose.options.muted, true); test.equal(log.notverbose.options.muted, true); log.options.muted = false; test.equal(log.muted, false); test.equal(log.verbose.muted, false); test.equal(log.notverbose.muted, false); test.equal(log.options.muted, false); test.equal(log.verbose.options.muted, false); test.equal(log.notverbose.options.muted, false); test.done(); }, 'verbose': function(test) { test.expect(15); var log = new Log(); log.muted = true; // Test verbose methods to make sure they always return the verbose object. test.strictEqual(log.verbose.write(''), log.verbose); test.strictEqual(log.verbose.writeln(''), log.verbose); test.strictEqual(log.verbose.warn(''), log.verbose); test.strictEqual(log.verbose.error(''), log.verbose); test.strictEqual(log.verbose.ok(''), log.verbose); test.strictEqual(log.verbose.errorlns(''), log.verbose); test.strictEqual(log.verbose.oklns(''), log.verbose); test.strictEqual(log.verbose.success(''), log.verbose); test.strictEqual(log.verbose.fail(''), log.verbose); test.strictEqual(log.verbose.header(''), log.verbose); test.strictEqual(log.verbose.subhead(''), log.verbose); test.strictEqual(log.verbose.debug(''), log.verbose); test.strictEqual(log.verbose.writetableln([]), log.verbose); test.strictEqual(log.verbose.writelns(''), log.verbose); test.strictEqual(log.verbose.writeflags([]), log.verbose); test.done(); }, 'notverbose': function(test) { test.expect(15); var log = new Log(); log.muted = true; // Test notverbose methods to make sure they always return the notverbose object. test.strictEqual(log.notverbose.write(''), log.notverbose); test.strictEqual(log.notverbose.writeln(''), log.notverbose); test.strictEqual(log.notverbose.warn(''), log.notverbose); test.strictEqual(log.notverbose.error(''), log.notverbose); test.strictEqual(log.notverbose.ok(''), log.notverbose); test.strictEqual(log.notverbose.errorlns(''), log.notverbose); test.strictEqual(log.notverbose.oklns(''), log.notverbose); test.strictEqual(log.notverbose.success(''), log.notverbose); test.strictEqual(log.notverbose.fail(''), log.notverbose); test.strictEqual(log.notverbose.header(''), log.notverbose); test.strictEqual(log.notverbose.subhead(''), log.notverbose); test.strictEqual(log.notverbose.debug(''), log.notverbose); test.strictEqual(log.notverbose.writetableln([]), log.notverbose); test.strictEqual(log.notverbose.writelns(''), log.notverbose); test.strictEqual(log.notverbose.writeflags([]), log.notverbose); test.done(); }, 'options.debug = true': function(test) { test.expect(4); var log = new Log({debug: true}); stdoutEqual(test, function() { log.debug(); }, '[D] ' + ''.magenta + '\n'); stdoutEqual(test, function() { log.debug('foo'); }, '[D] ' + 'foo'.magenta + '\n'); stdoutEqual(test, function() { log.debug('%s', 'foo'); }, '[D] ' + 'foo'.magenta + '\n'); stdoutEqual(test, function() { log.debug(fooBuffer); }, '[D] ' + 'foo'.magenta + '\n'); test.done(); }, 'options.verbose = false': function(test) { test.expect(7); var log = new Log({verbose: false}); stdoutEqual(test, function() { log.notverbose.write('foo'); }, 'foo'); stdoutEqual(test, function() { log.notverbose.write('%s', 'foo'); }, 'foo'); stdoutEqual(test, function() { log.notverbose.write(fooBuffer); }, 'foo'); stdoutEqual(test, function() { log.verbose.write('foo'); }, ''); stdoutEqual(test, function() { log.verbose.write('%s', 'foo'); }, ''); stdoutEqual(test, function() { log.verbose.write(fooBuffer); }, ''); stdoutEqual(test, function() { log.verbose.write('a').or.write('b'); }, 'b'); test.done(); }, 'options.verbose = true': function(test) { test.expect(7); var log = new Log({verbose: true}); stdoutEqual(test, function() { log.verbose.write('foo'); }, 'foo'); stdoutEqual(test, function() { log.verbose.write('%s', 'foo'); }, 'foo'); stdoutEqual(test, function() { log.verbose.write(fooBuffer); }, 'foo'); stdoutEqual(test, function() { log.notverbose.write('foo'); }, ''); stdoutEqual(test, function() { log.notverbose.write('%s', 'foo'); }, ''); stdoutEqual(test, function() { log.notverbose.write(fooBuffer); }, ''); stdoutEqual(test, function() { log.notverbose.write('a').or.write('b'); }, 'b'); test.done(); }, 'options.debug = false': function(test) { test.expect(1); var log = new Log({debug: false}); stdoutEqual(test, function() { log.debug('foo'); }, ''); test.done(); }, 'options.color = true': function(test) { test.expect(1); var log = new Log({color: true}); stdoutEqual(test, function() { log.write('foo'.blue + 'bar'.underline); }, 'foo'.blue + 'bar'.underline); test.done(); }, 'options.color = false': function(test) { test.expect(1); var log = new Log({color: false}); stdoutEqual(test, function() { log.write('foo'.blue + 'bar'.underline); }, 'foobar'); test.done(); }, 'perma-bind this when passing grunt in (backcompat)': function(test) { test.expect(43); var log = new Log({grunt: this.grunt}); stdoutMute(); [ 'write', 'writeln', 'warn', 'error', 'ok', 'errorlns', 'oklns', 'success', 'fail', 'header', 'subhead', 'debug', ].forEach(function(method) { var fn = log[method]; var verboseFn = log.verbose[method]; var notVerboseFn = log.notverbose[method]; test.equal(fn(), log, 'Should return log if invoked in a way where this is not log.'); test.equal(verboseFn(), log.verbose, 'Should return log.verbose if invoked in a way where this is not log.'); test.equal(notVerboseFn(), log.notverbose, 'Should return log.notverbose if invoked in a way where this is not log.'); }); test.doesNotThrow(function() { var fn = log.writetableln; fn([]); }, 'Should not throw if invoked in a way where this is not log.'); test.doesNotThrow(function() { var fn = log.writelns; fn([]); }, 'Should not throw if invoked in a way where this is not log.'); test.doesNotThrow(function() { var fn = log.writeflags; fn([]); }, 'Should not throw if invoked in a way where this is not log.'); test.doesNotThrow(function() { var fn = log.wordlist; fn([]); }, 'Should not throw if invoked in a way where this is not log.'); test.doesNotThrow(function() { var fn = log.uncolor; fn(''); }, 'Should not throw if invoked in a way where this is not log.'); test.doesNotThrow(function() { var fn = log.wraptext; fn(1,''); }, 'Should not throw if invoked in a way where this is not log.'); test.doesNotThrow(function() { var fn = log.table; fn([],''); }, 'Should not throw if invoked in a way where this is not log.'); stdoutUnmute(); test.done(); }, }; exports['Helpers'] = { 'uncolor': function(test) { test.expect(2); var log = new Log(); test.ok(log.uncolor); test.strictEqual(log.uncolor, legacyLog.uncolor); test.done(); }, 'wordlist': function(test) { test.expect(2); var log = new Log(); test.ok(log.wordlist); test.strictEqual(log.wordlist, legacyLog.wordlist); test.done(); }, 'wraptext': function(test) { test.expect(2); var log = new Log(); test.ok(log.wraptext); test.strictEqual(log.wraptext, legacyLog.wraptext); test.done(); }, 'table': function(test) { test.expect(2); var log = new Log(); test.ok(log.table); test.strictEqual(log.table, legacyLog.table); test.done(); }, };