var expect = require('expect.js'), cheerio = require('../..'), fruits = require('../fixtures').fruits, toArray =; describe('$(...)', function() { var $, $fruits; beforeEach(function() { $ = cheerio.load(fruits); $fruits = $('#fruits'); }); describe('.append', function() { it('() : should do nothing', function() { expect($('#fruits').append()[0].tagName).to.equal('ul'); }); it('(html) : should add element as last child', function() { $fruits.append('
  • Plum
  • '); expect($fruits.children().eq(3).hasClass('plum')); }); it('($(...)) : should add element as last child', function() { var $plum = $('
  • Plum
  • '); $fruits.append($plum); expect($fruits.children().eq(3).hasClass('plum')); }); it('(Node) : should add element as last child', function() { var plum = $('
  • Plum
  • ')[0]; $fruits.append(plum); expect($fruits.children().eq(3).hasClass('plum')); }); it('(existing Node) : should remove node from previous location', function() { var apple = $fruits.children()[0]; var $children; expect($fruits.children()).to.have.length(3); $fruits.append(apple); $children = $fruits.children(); expect($children).to.have.length(3); expect($children[0]).to.not.equal(apple); expect($children[2]).to.equal(apple); }); it('(existing Node) : should remove existing node from previous location', function() { var apple = $fruits.children()[0]; var $children; var $dest = $('
    '); expect($fruits.children()).to.have.length(3); $dest.append(apple); $children = $fruits.children(); expect($children).to.have.length(2); expect($children[0]).to.not.equal(apple); expect($dest.children()).to.have.length(1); expect($dest.children()[0]).to.equal(apple); }); it('(existing Node) : should update original direct siblings', function() { $('.pear').append($('.orange')); expect($('.apple').next()[0])$('.pear')[0]); expect($('.pear').prev()[0])$('.apple')[0]); }); it('(existing Node) : should clone all but the last occurrence', function() { var $originalApple = $('.apple'); var $apples; $('.orange, .pear').append($originalApple); $apples = $('.apple'); expect($apples).to.have.length(2); expect($apples.eq(0).parent()[0])$('.orange')[0]); expect($apples.eq(1).parent()[0])$('.pear')[0]); expect($apples[1])$originalApple[0]); }); it('(elem) : should NOP if removed', function() { var $apple = $('.apple'); $apple.remove(); $fruits.append($apple); expect($fruits.children().eq(2).hasClass('apple')); }); it('($(...), html) : should add multiple elements as last children', function() { var $plum = $('
  • Plum
  • '); var grape = '
  • Grape
  • '; $fruits.append($plum, grape); expect($fruits.children().eq(3).hasClass('plum')); expect($fruits.children().eq(4).hasClass('grape')); }); it('(Array) : should append all elements in the array', function() { var more = $('
  • Plum
  • Grape
  • ') .get(); $fruits.append(more); expect($fruits.children().eq(3).hasClass('plum')); expect($fruits.children().eq(4).hasClass('grape')); }); it('(fn) : should invoke the callback with the correct arguments and context', function() { $fruits = $fruits.children(); var args = []; var thisValues = []; $fruits.append(function() { args.push(toArray(arguments)); thisValues.push(this); }); expect(args).to.eql([ [0, 'Apple'], [1, 'Orange'], [2, 'Pear'] ]); expect(thisValues).to.eql([ $fruits[0], $fruits[1], $fruits[2] ]); }); it('(fn) : should add returned string as last child', function() { $fruits = $fruits.children(); var $apple, $orange, $pear; $fruits.append(function() { return '
    '; }); $apple = $fruits.eq(0); $orange = $fruits.eq(1); $pear = $fruits.eq(2); expect($apple.find('.first')[0]).to.equal($apple.contents()[1]); expect($orange.find('.first')[0]).to.equal($orange.contents()[1]); expect($pear.find('.first')[0]).to.equal($pear.contents()[1]); }); it('(fn) : should add returned Cheerio object as last child', function() { var $apple, $orange, $pear; $fruits = $fruits.children(); $fruits.append(function() { return $('
    '); }); $apple = $fruits.eq(0); $orange = $fruits.eq(1); $pear = $fruits.eq(2); expect($apple.find('.second')[0]).to.equal($apple.contents()[1]); expect($orange.find('.second')[0]).to.equal($orange.contents()[1]); expect($pear.find('.second')[0]).to.equal($pear.contents()[1]); }); it('(fn) : should add returned Node as last child', function() { var $apple, $orange, $pear; $fruits = $fruits.children(); $fruits.append(function() { return $('
    ')[0]; }); $apple = $fruits.eq(0); $orange = $fruits.eq(1); $pear = $fruits.eq(2); expect($apple.find('.third')[0]).to.equal($apple.contents()[1]); expect($orange.find('.third')[0]).to.equal($orange.contents()[1]); expect($pear.find('.third')[0]).to.equal($pear.contents()[1]); }); it('should maintain correct object state (Issue: #10)', function() { var $obj = $('
    ') .append('
    ') .children() .children() .parent(); expect($obj); }); it('($(...)) : should remove from root element', function() { var $plum = $('
  • Plum
  • '); var root = $plum[0].root; expect(root); $fruits.append($plum); expect($plum[0].root); expect(root.childNodes).to.not.contain($plum[0]); }); }); describe('.prepend', function() { it('() : should do nothing', function() { expect($('#fruits').prepend()[0].tagName).to.equal('ul'); }); it('(html) : should add element as first child', function() { $fruits.prepend('
  • Plum
  • '); expect($fruits.children().eq(0).hasClass('plum')); }); it('($(...)) : should add element as first child', function() { var $plum = $('
  • Plum
  • '); $fruits.prepend($plum); expect($fruits.children().eq(0).hasClass('plum')); }); it('(Node) : should add node as first child', function() { var plum = $('
  • Plum
  • ')[0]; $fruits.prepend(plum); expect($fruits.children().eq(0).hasClass('plum')); }); it('(existing Node) : should remove existing nodes from previous locations', function() { var pear = $fruits.children()[2]; var $children; expect($fruits.children()).to.have.length(3); $fruits.prepend(pear); $children = $fruits.children(); expect($children).to.have.length(3); expect($children[2]).to.not.equal(pear); expect($children[0]).to.equal(pear); }); it('(existing Node) : should update original direct siblings', function() { $('.pear').prepend($('.orange')); expect($('.apple').next()[0])$('.pear')[0]); expect($('.pear').prev()[0])$('.apple')[0]); }); it('(existing Node) : should clone all but the last occurrence', function() { var $originalApple = $('.apple'); var $apples; $('.orange, .pear').prepend($originalApple); $apples = $('.apple'); expect($apples).to.have.length(2); expect($apples.eq(0).parent()[0])$('.orange')[0]); expect($apples.eq(1).parent()[0])$('.pear')[0]); expect($apples[1])$originalApple[0]); }); it('(elem) : should handle if removed', function() { var $apple = $('.apple'); $apple.remove(); $fruits.prepend($apple); expect($fruits.children().eq(0).hasClass('apple')); }); it('(Array) : should add all elements in the array as inital children', function() { var more = $('
  • Plum
  • Grape
  • ') .get(); $fruits.prepend(more); expect($fruits.children().eq(0).hasClass('plum')); expect($fruits.children().eq(1).hasClass('grape')); }); it('(html, $(...), html) : should add multiple elements as first children', function() { var $plum = $('
  • Plum
  • '); var grape = '
  • Grape
  • '; $fruits.prepend($plum, grape); expect($fruits.children().eq(0).hasClass('plum')); expect($fruits.children().eq(1).hasClass('grape')); }); it('(fn) : should invoke the callback with the correct arguments and context', function() { var args = []; var thisValues = []; $fruits = $fruits.children(); $fruits.prepend(function() { args.push(toArray(arguments)); thisValues.push(this); }); expect(args).to.eql([ [0, 'Apple'], [1, 'Orange'], [2, 'Pear'] ]); expect(thisValues).to.eql([ $fruits[0], $fruits[1], $fruits[2] ]); }); it('(fn) : should add returned string as first child', function() { var $apple, $orange, $pear; $fruits = $fruits.children(); $fruits.prepend(function() { return '
    '; }); $apple = $fruits.eq(0); $orange = $fruits.eq(1); $pear = $fruits.eq(2); expect($apple.find('.first')[0]).to.equal($apple.contents()[0]); expect($orange.find('.first')[0]).to.equal($orange.contents()[0]); expect($pear.find('.first')[0]).to.equal($pear.contents()[0]); }); it('(fn) : should add returned Cheerio object as first child', function() { var $apple, $orange, $pear; $fruits = $fruits.children(); $fruits.prepend(function() { return $('
    '); }); $apple = $fruits.eq(0); $orange = $fruits.eq(1); $pear = $fruits.eq(2); expect($apple.find('.second')[0]).to.equal($apple.contents()[0]); expect($orange.find('.second')[0]).to.equal($orange.contents()[0]); expect($pear.find('.second')[0]).to.equal($pear.contents()[0]); }); it('(fn) : should add returned Node as first child', function() { var $apple, $orange, $pear; $fruits = $fruits.children(); $fruits.prepend(function() { return $('
    ')[0]; }); $apple = $fruits.eq(0); $orange = $fruits.eq(1); $pear = $fruits.eq(2); expect($apple.find('.third')[0]).to.equal($apple.contents()[0]); expect($orange.find('.third')[0]).to.equal($orange.contents()[0]); expect($pear.find('.third')[0]).to.equal($pear.contents()[0]); }); it('($(...)) : should remove from root element', function() { var $plum = $('
  • Plum
  • '); var root = $plum[0].root; expect(root); $fruits.prepend($plum); expect($plum[0].root); expect(root.childNodes).to.not.contain($plum[0]); }); }); describe('.after', function() { it('() : should do nothing', function() { expect($('#fruits').after()[0].tagName).to.equal('ul'); }); it('(html) : should add element as next sibling', function() { var grape = '
  • Grape
  • '; $('.apple').after(grape); expect($('.apple').next().hasClass('grape')); }); it('(Array) : should add all elements in the array as next sibling', function() { var more = $('
  • Plum
  • Grape
  • ') .get(); $('.apple').after(more); expect($fruits.children().eq(1).hasClass('plum')); expect($fruits.children().eq(2).hasClass('grape')); }); it('($(...)) : should add element as next sibling', function() { var $plum = $('
  • Plum
  • '); $('.apple').after($plum); expect($('.apple').next().hasClass('plum')); }); it('(Node) : should add element as next sibling', function() { var plum = $('
  • Plum
  • ')[0]; $('.apple').after(plum); expect($('.apple').next().hasClass('plum')); }); it('(existing Node) : should remove existing nodes from previous locations', function() { var pear = $fruits.children()[2]; var $children; $('.apple').after(pear); $children = $fruits.children(); expect($children).to.have.length(3); expect($children[1]); }); it('(existing Node) : should update original direct siblings', function() { $('.pear').after($('.orange')); expect($('.apple').next()[0])$('.pear')[0]); expect($('.pear').prev()[0])$('.apple')[0]); }); it('(existing Node) : should clone all but the last occurrence', function() { var $originalApple = $('.apple'); $('.orange, .pear').after($originalApple); expect($('.apple')).to.have.length(2); expect($('.apple').eq(0).prev()[0])$('.orange')[0]); expect($('.apple').eq(0).next()[0])$('.pear')[0]); expect($('.apple').eq(1).prev()[0])$('.pear')[0]); expect($('.apple').eq(1).next()).to.have.length(0); expect($('.apple')[0]).to.not.eql($originalApple[0]); expect($('.apple')[1]).to.eql($originalApple[0]); }); it('(elem) : should handle if removed', function() { var $apple = $('.apple'); var $plum = $('
  • Plum
  • '); $apple.remove(); $apple.after($plum); expect($plum.prev()); }); it('($(...), html) : should add multiple elements as next siblings', function() { var $plum = $('
  • Plum
  • '); var grape = '
  • Grape
  • '; $('.apple').after($plum, grape); expect($('.apple').next().hasClass('plum')); expect($('.plum').next().hasClass('grape')); }); it('(fn) : should invoke the callback with the correct arguments and context', function() { var args = []; var thisValues = []; $fruits = $fruits.children(); $fruits.after(function() { args.push(toArray(arguments)); thisValues.push(this); }); expect(args).to.eql([[0, 'Apple'], [1, 'Orange'], [2, 'Pear']]); expect(thisValues).to.eql([ $fruits[0], $fruits[1], $fruits[2] ]); }); it('(fn) : should add returned string as next sibling', function() { $fruits = $fruits.children(); $fruits.after(function() { return '
  • '; }); expect($('.first')[0]).to.equal($('#fruits').contents()[1]); expect($('.first')[1]).to.equal($('#fruits').contents()[3]); expect($('.first')[2]).to.equal($('#fruits').contents()[5]); }); it('(fn) : should add returned Cheerio object as next sibling', function() { $fruits = $fruits.children(); $fruits.after(function() { return $('
  • '); }); expect($('.second')[0]).to.equal($('#fruits').contents()[1]); expect($('.second')[1]).to.equal($('#fruits').contents()[3]); expect($('.second')[2]).to.equal($('#fruits').contents()[5]); }); it('(fn) : should add returned element as next sibling', function() { $fruits = $fruits.children(); $fruits.after(function() { return $('
  • ')[0]; }); expect($('.third')[0]).to.equal($('#fruits').contents()[1]); expect($('.third')[1]).to.equal($('#fruits').contents()[3]); expect($('.third')[2]).to.equal($('#fruits').contents()[5]); }); it('($(...)) : should remove from root element', function() { var $plum = $('
  • Plum
  • '); var root = $plum[0].root; expect(root); $fruits.after($plum); expect($plum[0].root); expect(root.childNodes).to.not.contain($plum[0]); }); }); describe('.insertAfter', function() { it('(selector) : should create element and add as next sibling', function() { var grape = $('
  • Grape
  • '); grape.insertAfter('.apple'); expect($('.apple').next().hasClass('grape')); }); it('(selector) : should create element and add as next sibling of multiple elements', function() { var grape = $('
  • Grape
  • '); grape.insertAfter('.apple, .pear'); expect($('.apple').next().hasClass('grape')); expect($('.pear').next().hasClass('grape')); }); it('($(...)) : should create element and add as next sibling', function() { var grape = $('
  • Grape
  • '); grape.insertAfter($('.apple')); expect($('.apple').next().hasClass('grape')); }); it('($(...)) : should create element and add as next sibling of multiple elements', function() { var grape = $('
  • Grape
  • '); grape.insertAfter($('.apple, .pear')); expect($('.apple').next().hasClass('grape')); expect($('.pear').next().hasClass('grape')); }); it('($(...)) : should create all elements in the array and add as next siblings', function() { var more = $('
  • Plum
  • Grape
  • '); more.insertAfter($('.apple')); expect($fruits.children().eq(0).hasClass('apple')); expect($fruits.children().eq(1).hasClass('plum')); expect($fruits.children().eq(2).hasClass('grape')); }); it('(existing Node) : should remove existing nodes from previous locations', function() { $('.orange').insertAfter('.pear'); expect($fruits.children().eq(1).hasClass('orange')); expect($fruits.children().length); expect($('.orange').length); }); it('(existing Node) : should update original direct siblings', function() { $('.orange').insertAfter('.pear'); expect($('.apple').next().hasClass('pear')); expect($('.pear').prev().hasClass('apple')); expect($('.pear').next().hasClass('orange')); expect($('.orange').next()); }); it('(existing Node) : should update original direct siblings of multiple elements', function() { $('.apple').insertAfter('.orange, .pear'); expect($('.orange').prev()); expect($('.orange').next().hasClass('apple')); expect($('.pear').next().hasClass('apple')); expect($('.pear').prev().hasClass('apple')); expect($fruits.children().length); var apples = $('.apple'); expect(apples.length); expect(apples.eq(0).prev().hasClass('orange')); expect(apples.eq(1).prev().hasClass('pear')); }); it('(elem) : should handle if removed', function() { var $apple = $('.apple'); var $plum = $('
  • Plum
  • '); $apple.remove(); $plum.insertAfter($apple); expect($plum.prev()); }); it('(single) should return the new element for chaining', function() { var $grape = $('
  • Grape
  • ').insertAfter('.apple'); expect($grape.cheerio); expect($grape.each); expect($grape.length); expect($grape.hasClass('grape')); }); it('(single) should return the new elements for chaining', function() { var $purple = $('
  • Grape
  • Plum
  • ').insertAfter('.apple'); expect($purple.cheerio); expect($purple.each); expect($purple.length); expect($purple.eq(0).hasClass('grape')); expect($purple.eq(1).hasClass('plum')); }); it('(multiple) should return the new elements for chaining', function() { var $purple = $('
  • Grape
  • Plum
  • ').insertAfter('.apple, .pear'); expect($purple.cheerio); expect($purple.each); expect($purple.length); expect($purple.eq(0).hasClass('grape')); expect($purple.eq(1).hasClass('plum')); expect($purple.eq(2).hasClass('grape')); expect($purple.eq(3).hasClass('plum')); }); it('(single) should return the existing element for chaining', function() { var $pear = $('.pear').insertAfter('.apple'); expect($pear.cheerio); expect($pear.each); expect($pear.length); expect($pear.hasClass('pear')); }); it('(single) should return the existing elements for chaining', function() { var $things = $('.orange, .apple').insertAfter('.pear'); expect($things.cheerio); expect($things.each); expect($things.length); expect($things.eq(0).hasClass('apple')); expect($things.eq(1).hasClass('orange')); }); it('(multiple) should return the existing elements for chaining', function() { $('
  • Grape
  • ').insertAfter('.apple'); var $things = $('.orange, .apple').insertAfter('.pear, .grape'); expect($things.cheerio); expect($things.each); expect($things.length); expect($things.eq(0).hasClass('apple')); expect($things.eq(1).hasClass('orange')); expect($things.eq(2).hasClass('apple')); expect($things.eq(3).hasClass('orange')); }); }); describe('.before', function() { it('() : should do nothing', function() { expect($('#fruits').before()[0].tagName).to.equal('ul'); }); it('(html) : should add element as previous sibling', function() { var grape = '
  • Grape
  • '; $('.apple').before(grape); expect($('.apple').prev().hasClass('grape')); }); it('($(...)) : should add element as previous sibling', function() { var $plum = $('
  • Plum
  • '); $('.apple').before($plum); expect($('.apple').prev().hasClass('plum')); }); it('(Node) : should add element as previous sibling', function() { var plum = $('
  • Plum
  • '); $('.apple').before(plum); expect($('.apple').prev().hasClass('plum')); }); it('(existing Node) : should remove existing nodes from previous locations', function() { var pear = $fruits.children()[2]; var $children; $('.apple').before(pear); $children = $fruits.children(); expect($children).to.have.length(3); expect($children[0]); }); it('(existing Node) : should update original direct siblings', function() { $('.apple').before($('.orange')); expect($('.apple').next()[0])$('.pear')[0]); expect($('.pear').prev()[0])$('.apple')[0]); }); it('(existing Node) : should clone all but the last occurrence', function() { var $originalPear = $('.pear'); $('.apple, .orange').before($originalPear); expect($('.pear')).to.have.length(2); expect($('.pear').eq(0).prev()).to.have.length(0); expect($('.pear').eq(0).next()[0])$('.apple')[0]); expect($('.pear').eq(1).prev()[0])$('.apple')[0]); expect($('.pear').eq(1).next()[0])$('.orange')[0]); expect($('.pear')[0]).to.not.eql($originalPear[0]); expect($('.pear')[1]).to.eql($originalPear[0]); }); it('(elem) : should handle if removed', function() { var $apple = $('.apple'); var $plum = $('
  • Plum
  • '); $apple.remove(); $apple.before($plum); expect($; }); it('(Array) : should add all elements in the array as previous sibling', function() { var more = $('
  • Plum
  • Grape
  • ') .get(); $('.apple').before(more); expect($fruits.children().eq(0).hasClass('plum')); expect($fruits.children().eq(1).hasClass('grape')); }); it('($(...), html) : should add multiple elements as previous siblings', function() { var $plum = $('
  • Plum
  • '); var grape = '
  • Grape
  • '; $('.apple').before($plum, grape); expect($('.apple').prev().hasClass('grape')); expect($('.grape').prev().hasClass('plum')); }); it('(fn) : should invoke the callback with the correct arguments and context', function() { var args = []; var thisValues = []; $fruits = $fruits.children(); $fruits.before(function() { args.push(toArray(arguments)); thisValues.push(this); }); expect(args).to.eql([[0, 'Apple'], [1, 'Orange'], [2, 'Pear']]); expect(thisValues).to.eql([ $fruits[0], $fruits[1], $fruits[2] ]); }); it('(fn) : should add returned string as previous sibling', function() { $fruits = $fruits.children(); $fruits.before(function() { return '
  • '; }); expect($('.first')[0]).to.equal($('#fruits').contents()[0]); expect($('.first')[1]).to.equal($('#fruits').contents()[2]); expect($('.first')[2]).to.equal($('#fruits').contents()[4]); }); it('(fn) : should add returned Cheerio object as previous sibling', function() { $fruits = $fruits.children(); $fruits.before(function() { return $('
  • '); }); expect($('.second')[0]).to.equal($('#fruits').contents()[0]); expect($('.second')[1]).to.equal($('#fruits').contents()[2]); expect($('.second')[2]).to.equal($('#fruits').contents()[4]); }); it('(fn) : should add returned Node as previous sibling', function() { $fruits = $fruits.children(); $fruits.before(function() { return $('
  • ')[0]; }); expect($('.third')[0]).to.equal($('#fruits').contents()[0]); expect($('.third')[1]).to.equal($('#fruits').contents()[2]); expect($('.third')[2]).to.equal($('#fruits').contents()[4]); }); it('($(...)) : should remove from root element', function() { var $plum = $('
  • Plum
  • '); var root = $plum[0].root; expect(root); $fruits.before($plum); expect($plum[0].root); expect(root.childNodes).to.not.contain($plum[0]); }); }); describe('.insertBefore', function() { it('(selector) : should create element and add as prev sibling', function() { var grape = $('
  • Grape
  • '); grape.insertBefore('.apple'); expect($('.apple').prev().hasClass('grape')); }); it('(selector) : should create element and add as prev sibling of multiple elements', function() { var grape = $('
  • Grape
  • '); grape.insertBefore('.apple, .pear'); expect($('.apple').prev().hasClass('grape')); expect($('.pear').prev().hasClass('grape')); }); it('($(...)) : should create element and add as prev sibling', function() { var grape = $('
  • Grape
  • '); grape.insertBefore($('.apple')); expect($('.apple').prev().hasClass('grape')); }); it('($(...)) : should create element and add as next sibling of multiple elements', function() { var grape = $('
  • Grape
  • '); grape.insertBefore($('.apple, .pear')); expect($('.apple').prev().hasClass('grape')); expect($('.pear').prev().hasClass('grape')); }); it('($(...)) : should create all elements in the array and add as prev siblings', function() { var more = $('
  • Plum
  • Grape
  • '); more.insertBefore($('.apple')); expect($fruits.children().eq(0).hasClass('plum')); expect($fruits.children().eq(1).hasClass('grape')); expect($fruits.children().eq(2).hasClass('apple')); }); it('(existing Node) : should remove existing nodes from previous locations', function() { $('.pear').insertBefore('.apple'); expect($fruits.children().eq(2).hasClass('pear')); expect($fruits.children().length); expect($('.pear').length); }); it('(existing Node) : should update original direct siblings', function() { $('.pear').insertBefore('.apple'); expect($('.apple').prev().hasClass('pear')); expect($('.apple').next().hasClass('orange')); expect($('.pear').next().hasClass('apple')); expect($('.pear').prev()); }); it('(existing Node) : should update original direct siblings of multiple elements', function() { $('.pear').insertBefore('.apple, .orange'); expect($('.apple').prev().hasClass('pear')); expect($('.apple').next().hasClass('pear')); expect($('.orange').prev().hasClass('pear')); expect($('.orange').next()); expect($fruits.children().length); var pears = $('.pear'); expect(pears.length); expect(pears.eq(0).next().hasClass('apple')); expect(pears.eq(1).next().hasClass('orange')); }); it('(elem) : should handle if removed', function() { var $apple = $('.apple'); var $plum = $('
  • Plum
  • '); $apple.remove(); $plum.insertBefore($apple); expect($; }); it('(single) should return the new element for chaining', function() { var $grape = $('
  • Grape
  • ').insertBefore('.apple'); expect($grape.cheerio); expect($grape.each); expect($grape.length); expect($grape.hasClass('grape')); }); it('(single) should return the new elements for chaining', function() { var $purple = $('
  • Grape
  • Plum
  • ').insertBefore('.apple'); expect($purple.cheerio); expect($purple.each); expect($purple.length); expect($purple.eq(0).hasClass('grape')); expect($purple.eq(1).hasClass('plum')); }); it('(multiple) should return the new elements for chaining', function() { var $purple = $('
  • Grape
  • Plum
  • ').insertBefore('.apple, .pear'); expect($purple.cheerio); expect($purple.each); expect($purple.length); expect($purple.eq(0).hasClass('grape')); expect($purple.eq(1).hasClass('plum')); expect($purple.eq(2).hasClass('grape')); expect($purple.eq(3).hasClass('plum')); }); it('(single) should return the existing element for chaining', function() { var $orange = $('.orange').insertBefore('.apple'); expect($orange.cheerio); expect($orange.each); expect($orange.length); expect($orange.hasClass('orange')); }); it('(single) should return the existing elements for chaining', function() { var $things = $('.orange, .pear').insertBefore('.apple'); expect($things.cheerio); expect($things.each); expect($things.length); expect($things.eq(0).hasClass('orange')); expect($things.eq(1).hasClass('pear')); }); it('(multiple) should return the existing elements for chaining', function() { $('
  • Grape
  • ').insertBefore('.apple'); var $things = $('.orange, .apple').insertBefore('.pear, .grape'); expect($things.cheerio); expect($things.each); expect($things.length); expect($things.eq(0).hasClass('apple')); expect($things.eq(1).hasClass('orange')); expect($things.eq(2).hasClass('apple')); expect($things.eq(3).hasClass('orange')); }); }); describe('.remove', function() { it('() : should remove selected elements', function() { $('.apple').remove(); expect($fruits.find('.apple')).to.have.length(0); }); it('() : should be reentrant', function() { var $apple = $('.apple'); $apple.remove(); $apple.remove(); expect($fruits.find('.apple')).to.have.length(0); }); it('(selector) : should remove matching selected elements', function() { $('li').remove('.apple'); expect($fruits.find('.apple')).to.have.length(0); }); it('($(...)) : should remove from root element', function() { var $plum = $('
  • Plum
  • '); var root = $plum[0].root; expect(root); $plum.remove(); expect($plum[0].root); expect(root.childNodes).to.not.contain($plum[0]); }); }); describe('.replaceWith', function() { it('(elem) : should replace one
  • tag with another', function() { var $plum = $('
  • Plum
  • '); $('.pear').replaceWith($plum); expect($('.orange').next().hasClass('plum')); expect($('.orange').next().html()).to.equal('Plum'); }); it('(Array) : should replace one
  • tag with the elements in the array', function() { var more = $('
  • Plum
  • Grape
  • ') .get(); $('.pear').replaceWith(more); expect($fruits.children().eq(2).hasClass('plum')); expect($fruits.children().eq(3).hasClass('grape')); expect($fruits.children()).to.have.length(4); }); it('(Node) : should replace the selected element with given node', function() { var $src = $('

    hi there

    '); var $new = $('
      '); var $replaced = $src.find('span').replaceWith($new[0]); expect($new[0].parentNode).to.equal($src[0]); expect($replaced[0].parentNode).to.equal(null); expect($.html($src)).to.equal('


        '); }); it('(existing element) : should remove element from its previous location', function() { $('.pear').replaceWith($('.apple')); expect($fruits.children()).to.have.length(2); expect($fruits.children()[0]).to.equal($('.orange')[0]); expect($fruits.children()[1]).to.equal($('.apple')[0]); }); it('(elem) : should NOP if removed', function() { var $pear = $('.pear'); var $plum = $('
      • Plum
      • '); $pear.remove(); $pear.replaceWith($plum); expect($('.orange').next().hasClass('plum')); }); it('(elem) : should replace the single selected element with given element', function() { var $src = $('

        hi there

        '); var $new = $('
        '); var $replaced = $src.find('span').replaceWith($new); expect($new[0].parentNode).to.equal($src[0]); expect($replaced[0].parentNode).to.equal(null); expect($.html($src)).to.equal('


        '); }); it('(str) : should accept strings', function() { var $src = $('

        hi there

        '); var newStr = '
        '; var $replaced = $src.find('span').replaceWith(newStr); expect($replaced[0].parentNode).to.equal(null); expect($.html($src)).to.equal('


        '); }); it('(str) : should replace all selected elements', function() { var $src = $('a
        '); var $replaced = $src.find('br').replaceWith(' '); expect($replaced[0].parentNode).to.equal(null); expect($.html($src)).to.equal('a b c d'); }); it('(fn) : should invoke the callback with the correct argument and context', function() { var origChildren = $fruits.children().get(); var args = []; var thisValues = []; $fruits.children().replaceWith(function() { args.push(toArray(arguments)); thisValues.push(this); return '
      • '; }); expect(args).to.eql([ [0, origChildren[0]], [1, origChildren[1]], [2, origChildren[2]] ]); expect(thisValues).to.eql([ origChildren[0], origChildren[1], origChildren[2] ]); }); it('(fn) : should replace the selected element with the returned string', function() { $fruits.children().replaceWith(function() { return '
      • '; }); expect($fruits.find('.first')).to.have.length(3); }); it('(fn) : should replace the selected element with the returned Cheerio object', function() { $fruits.children().replaceWith(function() { return $('
      • '); }); expect($fruits.find('.second')).to.have.length(3); }); it('(fn) : should replace the selected element with the returned node', function() { $fruits.children().replaceWith(function() { return $('
      • ')[0]; }); expect($fruits.find('.third')).to.have.length(3); }); it('($(...)) : should remove from root element', function() { var $plum = $('
      • Plum
      • '); var root = $plum[0].root; expect(root); $fruits.children().replaceWith($plum); expect($plum[0].root); expect(root.childNodes).to.not.contain($plum[0]); }); }); describe('.empty', function() { it('() : should remove all children from selected elements', function() { expect($fruits.children()).to.have.length(3); $fruits.empty(); expect($fruits.children()).to.have.length(0); }); it('() : should allow element reinsertion', function() { var $children = $fruits.children(); $fruits.empty(); expect($fruits.children()).to.have.length(0); expect($children).to.have.length(3); $fruits.append($('
        ')); var $remove = $fruits.children().eq(0); $remove.replaceWith($children); expect($fruits.children()).to.have.length(4); }); it('() : should destroy children\'s references to the parent', function() { var $children = $fruits.children(); $fruits.empty(); expect($children.eq(0).parent()).to.have.length(0); expect($children.eq(0).next()).to.have.length(0); expect($children.eq(0).prev()).to.have.length(0); expect($children.eq(1).parent()).to.have.length(0); expect($children.eq(1).next()).to.have.length(0); expect($children.eq(1).prev()).to.have.length(0); expect($children.eq(2).parent()).to.have.length(0); expect($children.eq(2).next()).to.have.length(0); expect($children.eq(2).prev()).to.have.length(0); }); }); describe('.html', function() { it('() : should get the innerHTML for an element', function() { expect($fruits.html()).to.equal([ '
      • Apple
      • ', '
      • Orange
      • ', '
      • Pear
      • ' ].join('')); }); it('() : should get innerHTML even if its just text', function() { var item = '
      • Pear
      • '; expect($('.pear', item).html()).to.equal('Pear'); }); it('() : should return empty string if nothing inside', function() { var item = '
      • '; expect($('li', item).html()).to.equal(''); }); it('(html) : should set the html for its children', function() { $fruits.html('
      • Durian
      • '); var html = $fruits.html(); expect(html).to.equal('
      • Durian
      • '); }); it('(html) : should add new elements for each element in selection', function() { var $fruits = $('li'); $fruits.html('
      • Durian
      • '); var tested = 0; $fruits.each(function(){ expect($(this).children().parent().get(0)).to.equal(this); tested++; }); expect(tested).to.equal(3); }); it('(elem) : should set the html for its children with element', function() { $fruits.html($('
      • Durian
      • ')); var html = $fruits.html(); expect(html).to.equal('
      • Durian
      • '); }); it('() : should allow element reinsertion', function() { var $children = $fruits.children(); $fruits.html('
        '); expect($fruits.children()).to.have.length(2); var $remove = $fruits.children().eq(0); $remove.replaceWith($children); expect($fruits.children()).to.have.length(4); }); }); describe('.toString', function() { it('() : should get the outerHTML for an element', function() { expect($fruits.toString()).to.equal(fruits); }); it('() : should return an html string for a set of elements', function() { expect($fruits.find('li').toString()).to.equal('
      • Apple
      • Orange
      • Pear
      • '); }); it('() : should be called implicitly', function() { var string = [$(''), $(''), $('')].join(''); expect(string).to.equal(''); }); it('() : should pass options', function() { var dom = cheerio.load('&', {decodeEntities: false}); expect(dom.root().toString()).to.equal('&'); }); }); describe('.text', function() { it('() : gets the text for a single element', function() { expect($('.apple').text()).to.equal('Apple'); }); it('() : combines all text from children text nodes', function() { expect($('#fruits').text()).to.equal('AppleOrangePear'); }); it('(text) : sets the text for the child node', function() { $('.apple').text('Granny Smith Apple'); expect($('.apple')[0].childNodes[0].data).to.equal('Granny Smith Apple'); }); it('(text) : inserts separate nodes for all children', function() { $('li').text('Fruits'); var tested = 0; $('li').each(function(){ expect(this.childNodes[0].parent).to.equal(this); tested++; }); expect(tested).to.equal(3); }); it('should allow functions as arguments', function() { $('.apple').text(function(idx, content) { expect(idx).to.equal(0); expect(content).to.equal('Apple'); return 'whatever mate'; }); expect($('.apple')[0].childNodes[0].data).to.equal('whatever mate'); }); it('should decode special chars', function() { var text = $('


        ').text(); expect(text).to.equal('M&M'); }); it('should work with special chars added as strings', function() { var text = $('


        ').text(); expect(text).to.equal('M&M'); }); it('( undefined ) : should act as an accessor', function() { var $div = $('
        '); expect($div.text(undefined))'string'); expect($div.text())'test'); }); it('( "" ) : should convert to string', function() { var $div = $('
        '); expect($div.text('').text()).to.equal(''); }); it('( null ) : should convert to string', function() { expect($('
        ').text(null).text()).to.equal('null'); }); it('( 0 ) : should convert to string', function() { expect($('
        ').text(0).text()).to.equal('0'); }); it('(str) should encode then decode unsafe characters', function() { var $apple = $('.apple'); $apple.text('blah blah'); expect($apple[0].childNodes[0].data).to.equal('blah blah'); expect($apple.text()).to.equal('blah blah'); $apple.text('blah blah'); expect($apple.html()).to.not.contain(''); }); }); });