var fs = require('fs'); function trim(string) { return string.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''); } var PO = function () { this.comments = []; this.extractedComments = []; this.headers = {}; this.items = []; }; = function (filename, callback) { fs.writeFile(filename, this.toString(), callback); }; PO.prototype.toString = function () { var lines = []; if (this.comments) { this.comments.forEach(function (comment) { lines.push(('# ' + comment).trim()); }); } if (this.extractedComments) { this.extractedComments.forEach(function (comment) { lines.push(('#. ' + comment).trim()); }); } lines.push('msgid ""'); lines.push('msgstr ""'); var keys = Object.keys(this.headers); var self = this; keys.forEach(function (key) { lines.push('"' + key + ': ' + self.headers[key] + '\\n"'); }); lines.push(''); this.items.forEach(function (item) { lines.push(item.toString()); lines.push(''); }); return lines.join('\n'); }; PO.load = function (filename, callback) { fs.readFile(filename, 'utf-8', function (err, data) { if (err) { return callback(err); } var po = PO.parse(data); callback(null, po); }); }; PO.parse = function (data) { //support both unix and windows newline formats. data = data.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n'); var po = new PO(); var sections = data.split(/\n\n/); var headers = []; //everything until the first 'msgid ""' is considered header while (sections[0] && (headers.length === 0 || headers[headers.length - 1].indexOf('msgid ""') < 0)) { if (sections[0].match(/msgid "[^"]/)) { //found first real string, adding a dummy header item headers.push('msgid ""'); } else { headers.push(sections.shift()); } } headers = headers.join('\n'); var lines = sections.join('\n').split(/\n/); po.headers = { 'Project-Id-Version': '', 'Report-Msgid-Bugs-To': '', 'POT-Creation-Date': '', 'PO-Revision-Date': '', 'Last-Translator': '', 'Language': '', 'Language-Team': '', 'Content-Type': '', 'Content-Transfer-Encoding': '', 'Plural-Forms': '', }; headers.split(/\n/).reduce(function (acc, line) { if (acc.merge) { //join lines, remove last resp. first " line = acc.pop().slice(0, -1) + line.slice(1); delete acc.merge; } if (/^".*"$/.test(line) && !/^".*\\n"$/.test(line)) { acc.merge = true; } acc.push(line); return acc; }, []).forEach(function (header) { if (header.match(/^#\./)) { po.extractedComments.push(header.replace(/^#\.\s*/, '')); } else if (header.match(/^#/)) { po.comments.push(header.replace(/^#\s*/, '')); } else if (header.match(/^"/)) { header = header.trim().replace(/^"/, '').replace(/\\n"$/, ''); var p = header.split(/:/); var name = p.shift().trim(); var value = p.join(':').trim(); po.headers[name] = value; } }); var parsedPluralForms = PO.parsePluralForms(po.headers['Plural-Forms']); var nplurals = parsedPluralForms.nplurals; var item = new PO.Item({ nplurals: nplurals }); var context = null; var plural = 0; var obsoleteCount = 0; var noCommentLineCount = 0; function finish() { if (item.msgid.length > 0) { if (obsoleteCount >= noCommentLineCount) { item.obsolete = true; } obsoleteCount = 0; noCommentLineCount = 0; po.items.push(item); item = new PO.Item({ nplurals: nplurals }); } } function extract(string) { string = trim(string); string = string.replace(/^[^"]*"|"$/g, ''); string = string.replace(/\\([abtnvfr'"\\?]|([0-7]{3})|x([0-9a-fA-F]{2}))/g, function (match, esc, oct, hex) { if (oct) { return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(oct, 8)); } if (hex) { return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(hex, 16)); } switch (esc) { case 'a': return '\x07'; case 'b': return '\b'; case 't': return '\t'; case 'n': return '\n'; case 'v': return '\v'; case 'f': return '\f'; case 'r': return '\r'; default: return esc; } }); return string; } while (lines.length > 0) { var line = trim(lines.shift()); var lineObsolete = false; var add = false; if (line.match(/^#\~/)) { // Obsolete item //only remove the obsolte comment mark, here //might be, this is a new item, so //only remember, this line is marked obsolete, count after line is parsed line = trim(line.substring(2)); lineObsolete = true; } if (line.match(/^#:/)) { // Reference finish(); item.references.push(trim(line.replace(/^#:/, ''))); } else if (line.match(/^#,/)) { // Flags finish(); var flags = trim(line.replace(/^#,/, '')).split(','); for (var i = 0; i < flags.length; i++) { item.flags[flags[i]] = true; } } else if (line.match(/^#($|\s+)/)) { // Translator comment finish(); item.comments.push(trim(line.replace(/^#($|\s+)/, ''))); } else if (line.match(/^#\./)) { // Extracted comment finish(); item.extractedComments.push(trim(line.replace(/^#\./, ''))); } else if (line.match(/^msgid_plural/)) { // Plural form item.msgid_plural = extract(line); context = 'msgid_plural'; noCommentLineCount++; } else if (line.match(/^msgid/)) { // Original finish(); item.msgid = extract(line); context = 'msgid'; noCommentLineCount++; } else if (line.match(/^msgstr/)) { // Translation var m = line.match(/^msgstr\[(\d+)\]/); plural = m && m[1] ? parseInt(m[1]) : 0; item.msgstr[plural] = extract(line); context = 'msgstr'; noCommentLineCount++; } else if (line.match(/^msgctxt/)) { // Context finish(); item.msgctxt = extract(line); context = 'msgctxt'; noCommentLineCount++; } else { // Probably multiline string or blank if (line.length > 0) { noCommentLineCount++; if (context === 'msgstr') { item.msgstr[plural] += extract(line); } else if (context === 'msgid') { item.msgid += extract(line); } else if (context === 'msgid_plural') { item.msgid_plural += extract(line); } else if (context === 'msgctxt') { item.msgctxt += extract(line); } } } if (lineObsolete) { // Count obsolete lines for this item obsoleteCount++; } } finish(); return po; }; PO.parsePluralForms = function (pluralFormsString) { var results = (pluralFormsString || '') .split(';') .reduce(function (acc, keyValueString) { var trimmedString = keyValueString.trim(); var equalsIndex = trimmedString.indexOf('='); var key = trimmedString.substring(0, equalsIndex).trim(); var value = trimmedString.substring(equalsIndex + 1).trim(); acc[key] = value; return acc; }, {}); return { nplurals: results.nplurals, plural: results.plural }; }; PO.Item = function (options) { var nplurals = options && options.nplurals; this.msgid = ''; this.msgctxt = null; this.references = []; this.msgid_plural = null; this.msgstr = []; this.comments = []; // translator comments this.extractedComments = []; this.flags = {}; this.obsolete = false; var npluralsNumber = Number(nplurals); this.nplurals = (isNaN(npluralsNumber)) ? 2 : npluralsNumber; }; PO.Item.prototype.toString = function () { var lines = []; var self = this; // reverse what extract(string) method during PO.parse does var _escape = function (string) { // don't unescape \n, since string can never contain it // since split('\n') is called on it string = string.replace(/[\x07\b\t\v\f\r"\\]/g, function (match) { switch (match) { case '\x07': return '\\a'; case '\b': return '\\b'; case '\t': return '\\t'; case '\v': return '\\v'; case '\f': return '\\f'; case '\r': return '\\r'; default: return '\\' + match; } }); return string; }; var _process = function (keyword, text, i) { var lines = []; var parts = text.split(/\n/); var index = typeof i !== 'undefined' ? '[' + i + ']' : ''; if (parts.length > 1) { lines.push(keyword + index + ' ""'); parts.forEach(function (part) { lines.push('"' + _escape(part) + '"'); }); } else { lines.push(keyword + index + ' "' + _escape(text) + '"'); } return lines; }; //handle \n in single-line texts (can not be handled in _escape) var _processLineBreak = function (keyword, text, index) { var processed = _process(keyword, text, index); for (var i = 1; i < processed.length - 1; i++) { processed[i] = processed[i].slice(0, -1) + '\\n"'; } return processed; }; // // says order is translator-comments, extracted-comments, references, flags this.comments.forEach(function (c) { lines.push('# ' + c); }); this.extractedComments.forEach(function (c) { lines.push('#. ' + c); }); this.references.forEach(function (ref) { lines.push('#: ' + ref); }); var flags = Object.keys(this.flags).filter(function (flag) { return !!this.flags[flag]; }, this); if (flags.length > 0) { lines.push('#, ' + flags.join(',')); } var mkObsolete = this.obsolete ? '#~ ' : ''; ['msgctxt', 'msgid', 'msgid_plural', 'msgstr'].forEach(function (keyword) { var text = self[keyword]; if (text != null) { var hasTranslation = false; if (Array.isArray(text)) { hasTranslation = text.some(function (text) { return text; }); } if (Array.isArray(text) && text.length > 1) { text.forEach(function (t, i) { var processed = _processLineBreak(keyword, t, i); lines = lines.concat(mkObsolete + processed.join('\n' + mkObsolete)); }); } else if (self.msgid_plural && keyword === 'msgstr' && !hasTranslation) { for (var pluralIndex = 0; pluralIndex < self.nplurals; pluralIndex++) { lines = lines.concat(mkObsolete + _process(keyword, '', pluralIndex)); } } else { var index = (self.msgid_plural && Array.isArray(text)) ? 0 : undefined; text = Array.isArray(text) ? text.join() : text; var processed = _processLineBreak(keyword, text, index); lines = lines.concat(mkObsolete + processed.join('\n' + mkObsolete)); } } }); return lines.join('\n'); }; module.exports = PO;