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2018-02-15 19:26:12 +01:00
# Guidelines for Contributors
* [Development](#development)
* [General Conventions](#development)
* [Renderers](#renderers)
* [Translations](#translations)
* [A word on `ES6` for Renderers](#es6)
* [CSS](#css)
* [Node.js](#nodejs)
* [(Adobe / Apache) Flex SDK](#flex)
* [Building with Grunt](#building)
<a id="development"></a>
## Development
### General Conventions
* Tab size is **8** for indentation.
* **ALWAYS** make changes to the files in the `/src/` directory, and **NEVER** in `/build/` directory. This is with the sole purpose of facilitating the merging (and further, the compiling) operation, and help people to see changes more easily.
* Make sure you download the necessary media files from and place them inside the `/media/` directory.
* Use [JSDoc]( conventions to document code. This facilitates the contributions of other developers and ensures more quality in the product.
<a id="features"></a>
### Features
<script src="jquery.js"></script>
<script src="mediaelement-and-player.min.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="mediaelementplayer.css" />
<script src="mejs-feature-[feature_name].js"></script>
<video id="player1" width="320" height="240"></video>
$(document).ready(function() {
// create player
// add desired features in order
features: ['playpause','[feature_name]','current','progress','duration','volume']
As a final note, try to be aware of building it thinking on Accessibility. Take a look into [`mediaelementplayer-feature-tracks.js`](src/js/mediaelementplayer-feature-tracks.js) for more reference about best practices.
<a id="renderers"></a>
### Renderers
The file name for them by default is: `mediaelement-renderer-[renderer_name].js`. To keep consistency across the code, please follow the template above, including the long comments.
'use strict';
import window from 'global/window';
import document from 'global/document';
import mejs from '../core/mejs';
import {renderer} from '../core/renderer';
// More imports....
* [Name of renderer]
* [Description]
* @see [URL to API if any is used]
const [camelCaseRendererName] = {
// A unique name for the renderer
name: '[unique_renderer_name]',
options: {
// MUST match with renderer name
prefix: '[unique_renderer_name]'
* Determine if a specific element type can be played with this render
* @param {String} type
* @return {Boolean}
canPlayType: (type) => ~['video/mime_type1', 'video/mime_type2', 'video/mime_type3' ...].indexOf(type.toLowerCase()),
* Create the player instance and add all native events/methods/properties as possible
* @param {MediaElement} mediaElement Instance of mejs.MediaElement already created
* @param {Object} options All the player configuration options passed through constructor
* @param {Object[]} mediaFiles List of sources with format: {src: url, type: x/y-z}
* @return {Object}
create: (mediaElement, options, mediaFiles) => {
// General container
let container = {};
options = Object.assign(options, mediaElement.options);
container.options = options; = + '_' + options.prefix;
container.mediaElement = mediaElement;
apiStack = [],
customPlayer = null,
containerDOM = null,
// More code prior binding native properties/methods/events ...
props =,
assignGettersSetters = (propName) => {
// add to flash state that we will store
const capName = propName.substring(0,1).toUpperCase() + propName.substring(1);
container['get' + capName] = () => {
if (customPlayer !== null) {
let value = null;
switch (propName) {
// Add your code for each property (i.e., getSrc, getCurrentTime, etc.)
} else {
return null;
container['set' + capName] = (value) => {
if (customPlayer !== null) {
switch (propName) {
// Add your code for each property (i.e., setSrc, setCurrentTime, etc.)
} else {
// store for after "READY" event fires
apiStack.push({type: 'set', propName: propName, value: value});
for (i = 0, il = props.length; i < il; i++) {
methods = mejs.html5media.methods,
assignMethods = function(methodName) {
// run the method on the native HTMLMediaElement
container[methodName] = () => {
if (customPlayer !== null) {
switch (methodName) {
// Add your code for each native method (i.e., play, pause, load, etc.)
} else {
apiStack.push({type: 'call', methodName: methodName});
for (i = 0, il = methods.length; i < il; i++) {
// Tends to be the norm to use a global event to register all the native events, plus the custom
// events for the renderer, depending on the specifications of the renderer's API
// The following code MUST be executed during the creation of the renderer, either outside of this scope
// or below when creating the DOM for the renderer
window['__ready__' +] = (_customPlayer) => {
mediaElement.customPlayer = customPlayer = _customPlayer;
// do call stack
if (apiStack.length) {
for (i = 0, il = apiStack.length; i<il; i++) {
let stackItem = apiStack[i];
if (stackItem.type === 'set') {
let propName = stackItem.propName,
capName = propName.substring(0,1).toUpperCase() + propName.substring(1);
container['set' + capName](stackItem.value);
} else if (stackItem.type === 'call') {
containerDOM = document.getElementById(;
// Make sure to include Mouse events
events = ['mouseover','mouseout'];
const assignEvent = (e) => {
const event = mejs.Utils.createEvent(e.type, container);
for (let j in events) {
const eventName = events[j];
mejs.addEvent(containerDOM, eventName, assignEvent);
let events =;
events = events.concat(['click','mouseover','mouseout']);
const assignNativeEvents = (eventName) => {
// Any code related to trigger events
// generally it follows the convention above:
customPlayer.addEventListener(eventName, (e) => {
// copy event
const event = mejs.Utils.createEvent(e.type, customPlayer);
for (i = 0, il = events.length; i < il; i++) {
// All custom events (if any)....
// give initial events
const initEvents = ['rendererready','loadeddata','loadedmetadata','canplay'];
for (i = 0, il = initEvents.length; i < il; i++) {
let event = mejs.Utils.createEvent(initEvents[i], container);
// Create new markup for renderer and hide original one ....
// The following methods MUST be created
container.hide = () => {
// Add your code to hide media
}; = () => {
// Add your code to show media
container.setSize = () => {
// Add your code to resize media
container.destroy = () => {
// Add your code to destroy media (if any; otherwise, leave empty)
return container;
* Register Native M(PEG)-Dash type based on URL structure
typeChecks.push((url) => ~(url.toLowerCase()).indexOf('.file_extension') ? 'video/mime_type1' : null);
Another things to consider when developing a new renderer:
* Update the list of [Renderers/IDs]( documentation.
* Add an entry in the drop down list at `/test/player.html` and `/demo/index.html` to confirm that media for new renderer can be changed easily.
<label>Sources <select name="sources">
<option value="/path/to/new_media.extension">[EXTENSION]</option>
<a id="translations"></a>
### Translations
If it is a translation that wants to be added, a couple of considerations need to be considered:
* The current format is `'mejs.[ID of element]' : 'translation'` (i.e., `'': 'Play'`).
* The first element in the object **MUST** be `mejs.plural-form: [Number]`, where `[Number]` is the Family Group Number the language belongs (see `/src/js/core/i18n.js` to determine which number is the appropriate one).
* If you require to use plurals, you must write the possible translations in the order specified in as an array, and the placeholder to replace the number would be `%1`.
* A code template to build a translation is presented below.
'use strict';
* This is a `i18n` language object.
* [Locale]
* @author
* John Dyer
* @see core/i18n.js
if (mejs.i18n.[lang] === undefined) {
mejs.i18n.[lang] = {
"mejs.plural-form": [Number],
// renderers/flash.js
"mejs.install-flash": "",
// features/fullscreen.js
"mejs.fullscreen": "",
// features/playpause.js
"": "",
"mejs.pause": "",
// features/progress.js
"mejs.time-slider": "",
"mejs.time-help-text": "",
"" : "",
// features/volume.js
"mejs.volume-help-text": "",
"mejs.unmute": "",
"mejs.mute": "",
"mejs.volume-slider": "",
// core/player.js
"": "",
"": "",
// features/tracks.js
"mejs.captions-subtitles": "",
"mejs.none": "",
"mejs.captions-chapters": "",
"mejs.afrikaans": "",
"mejs.albanian": "",
"mejs.arabic": "",
"mejs.belarusian": "",
"mejs.bulgarian": "",
"mejs.catalan": "",
"mejs.chinese": "",
"mejs.chinese-simplified": "",
"mejs.chinese-traditional": "",
"mejs.croatian": "",
"mejs.czech": "",
"mejs.danish": "",
"mejs.dutch": "",
"mejs.english": "",
"mejs.estonian": "",
"mejs.filipino": "",
"mejs.finnish": "",
"mejs.french": "",
"mejs.galician": "",
"mejs.german": "",
"mejs.greek": "",
"mejs.haitian-creole": "",
"mejs.hebrew": "",
"mejs.hindi": "",
"mejs.hungarian": "",
"mejs.icelandic": "",
"mejs.indonesian": "",
"": "",
"mejs.italian": "",
"mejs.japanese": "",
"mejs.korean": "",
"mejs.latvian": "",
"mejs.lithuanian": "",
"mejs.macedonian": "",
"mejs.malay": "",
"mejs.maltese": "",
"mejs.norwegian": "",
"mejs.persian": "",
"mejs.polish": "",
"mejs.portuguese": "",
"mejs.romanian": "",
"mejs.russian": "",
"mejs.serbian": "",
"mejs.slovak": "",
"mejs.slovenian": "",
"mejs.spanish": "",
"mejs.swahili": "",
"mejs.swedish": "",
"mejs.tagalog": "",
"mejs.thai": "",
"mejs.turkish": "",
"mejs.ukrainian": "",
"mejs.vietnamese": "",
"mejs.welsh": "",
"mejs.yiddish": ""
**IMPORTANT**: You will also need to add the language in the `MediaElement Plugins` repository.
For more information about this, read the [Template for Translations]( documentation.
<a id="es6"></a>
### A word on `ES6` for Renderers
All the renderers are written using `Ecmascript 2015` specifications.
See`src/js/renderers` directory, and check how the files were written to ensure compatibility.
**Note**: the `for...of` loop could have been used, but in order to bundle them and reduce the size of the bundled files, it is **strongly recommended to avoid*** its use.
<a id="css"></a>
### CSS
Sort CSS properties **alphabetically** to improve file size when using `gzip` compression.
<a id="nodejs"></a>
## Node.js
Since `MediaElement.js` uses [Grunt]( to compile it, Node.js is required. Download it at and follow the steps to install it, or install `node.js` with `npm`.
Once installed, at the command prompt, type `npm install`, which will download all the necessary tools.
<a id="flex"></a>
## (Adobe / Apache) Flex SDK
One of the subtasks involved during the compiling of `MediaElement.js` is the compiling of the Flash files. In order to do it, Flex SDK needs to be installed.
1. Make sure your version of Java is **1.5 or later** since Flex compilers are 32-bit executables and cannot launch 64-bit processes; otherwise, you will receive the error ```This Java instance does not support a 32-bit JVM.Please install the desired version```. For more information about this topic, read [Adobe's JVM Configuration](
2. Download the free (Flex SDK from or
2. Unzip it to a directory on your local machine (eg: ```/usr/local/flex_sdk_4.6```)
3. Create a symlink from the install location to this directory (eg: ```ln -s /usr/local/flex_sdk_4.6 /path/to/mediaelement/src/flash```)
4. If you do not have the required player global swc file (version **10.1**), download it from and place it inside ```/path/to/flex_sdk_4.6/frameworks/libs/player/10.1/playerglobal.swc```
If, during development, only the ActionScript files were affected, type `sh` and it will build the compiled files in `/local-build/` directory. Then just copy the files and put them inside `/build/` directory.
Or, simply, type in Terminal `grunt shell` to create all the SWF files in the right place.
<a id="building"></a>
## Building with Grunt
To compile ALL the files, in your Terminal window just type `grunt` in the root of the project.
You can also type `grunt debug` to avoid removing the console messages.
Additionally, `grunt` can accept an extra option to create custom bundle.
The way to use them is to append the keyword `--renderers`, followed by the comma-separated list of elements.
The list must match the name of the files, meaning that if you wanna include the `x` renderer, it must exist a `src/js/renderers/x.js` file.
For example:
# This will build a bundle with `HLS` and `DASH` renderers ONLY, plus all the default player features
grunt --renderers=hls,dash
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