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* @ngdoc module
* @name gettext
* @packageName angular-gettext
* @description Super simple Gettext for Angular.JS
* A sample application can be found at
* This is an adaptation of the [TodoMVC]( example. You can use this as a guideline while adding {@link angular-gettext angular-gettext} to your own application.
* @ngdoc factory
* @module gettext
* @name gettextPlurals
* @param {String} [langCode=en] language code
* @param {Number} [n=0] number to calculate form for
* @returns {Number} plural form number
* @description Provides correct plural form id for the given language
* Example
* ```js
* gettextPlurals('ru', 10); // 1
* gettextPlurals('en', 1); // 0
* gettextPlurals(); // 1
* ```
angular.module('gettext', []);
* @ngdoc object
* @module gettext
* @name gettext
* @kind function
* @param {String} str annotation key
* @description Gettext constant function for annotating strings
* ```js
* angular.module('myApp', ['gettext']).config(function(gettext) {
* /// MyApp document title
* gettext('my-app.title');
* ...
* })
* ```
angular.module('gettext').constant('gettext', function (str) {
* Does nothing, simply returns the input string.
* This function serves as a marker for `grunt-angular-gettext` to know that
* this string should be extracted for translations.
return str;
* @ngdoc service
* @module gettext
* @name gettextCatalog
* @requires gettextPlurals
* @requires gettextFallbackLanguage
* @requires$http $http
* @requires$cacheFactory $cacheFactory
* @requires$interpolate $interpolate
* @requires$rootScope $rootScope
* @description Provides set of method to translate stings
angular.module('gettext').factory('gettextCatalog', ["gettextPlurals", "gettextFallbackLanguage", "$http", "$cacheFactory", "$interpolate", "$rootScope", function (gettextPlurals, gettextFallbackLanguage, $http, $cacheFactory, $interpolate, $rootScope) {
var catalog;
var noContext = '$$noContext';
// IE8 returns UPPER CASE tags, even though the source is lower case.
// This can causes the (key) string in the DOM to have a different case to
// the string in the `po` files.
// IE9, IE10 and IE11 reorders the attributes of tags.
var test = '<span id="test" title="test" class="tested">test</span>';
var isHTMLModified = (angular.element('<span>' + test + '</span>').html() !== test);
var prefixDebug = function (string) {
if (catalog.debug && catalog.currentLanguage !== catalog.baseLanguage) {
return catalog.debugPrefix + string;
} else {
return string;
var addTranslatedMarkers = function (string) {
if (catalog.showTranslatedMarkers) {
return catalog.translatedMarkerPrefix + string + catalog.translatedMarkerSuffix;
} else {
return string;
function broadcastUpdated() {
* @ngdoc event
* @name gettextCatalog#gettextLanguageChanged
* @eventType broadcast on $rootScope
* @description Fires language change notification without any additional parameters.
catalog = {
* @ngdoc property
* @name gettextCatalog#debug
* @public
* @type {Boolean} false
* @see gettextCatalog#debug
* @description Whether or not to prefix untranslated strings with `[MISSING]:` or a custom prefix.
debug: false,
* @ngdoc property
* @name gettextCatalog#debugPrefix
* @public
* @type {String} [MISSING]:
* @description Custom prefix for untranslated strings when {@link gettextCatalog#debug gettextCatalog#debug} set to `true`.
debugPrefix: '[MISSING]: ',
* @ngdoc property
* @name gettextCatalog#showTranslatedMarkers
* @public
* @type {Boolean} false
* @description Whether or not to wrap all processed text with markers.
* Example output: `[Welcome]`
showTranslatedMarkers: false,
* @ngdoc property
* @name gettextCatalog#translatedMarkerPrefix
* @public
* @type {String} [
* @description Custom prefix to mark strings that have been run through {@link angular-gettext angular-gettext}.
translatedMarkerPrefix: '[',
* @ngdoc property
* @name gettextCatalog#translatedMarkerSuffix
* @public
* @type {String} ]
* @description Custom suffix to mark strings that have been run through {@link angular-gettext angular-gettext}.
translatedMarkerSuffix: ']',
* @ngdoc property
* @name gettextCatalog#strings
* @private
* @type {Object}
* @description An object of loaded translation strings. Shouldn't be used directly.
strings: {},
* @ngdoc property
* @name gettextCatalog#baseLanguage
* @protected
* @deprecated
* @since 2.0
* @type {String} en
* @description The default language, in which you're application is written.
* This defaults to English and it's generally a bad idea to use anything else:
* if your language has different pluralization rules you'll end up with incorrect translations.
baseLanguage: 'en',
* @ngdoc property
* @name gettextCatalog#currentLanguage
* @public
* @type {String}
* @description Active language.
currentLanguage: 'en',
* @ngdoc property
* @name gettextCatalog#cache
* @public
* @type {String} en
* @description Language cache for lazy load
cache: $cacheFactory('strings'),
* @ngdoc method
* @name gettextCatalog#setCurrentLanguage
* @public
* @param {String} lang language name
* @description Sets the current language and makes sure that all translations get updated correctly.
setCurrentLanguage: function (lang) {
this.currentLanguage = lang;
* @ngdoc method
* @name gettextCatalog#getCurrentLanguage
* @public
* @returns {String} current language
* @description Returns the current language.
getCurrentLanguage: function () {
return this.currentLanguage;
* @ngdoc method
* @name gettextCatalog#setStrings
* @public
* @param {String} language language name
* @param {Object.<String>} strings set of strings where the key is the translation `key` and `value` is the translated text
* @description Processes an object of string definitions. {@link guide:manual-setstrings More details here}.
setStrings: function (language, strings) {
if (!this.strings[language]) {
this.strings[language] = {};
var defaultPlural = gettextPlurals(language, 1);
for (var key in strings) {
var val = strings[key];
if (isHTMLModified) {
// Use the DOM engine to render any HTML in the key (#131).
key = angular.element('<span>' + key + '</span>').html();
if (angular.isString(val) || angular.isArray(val)) {
// No context, wrap it in $$noContext.
var obj = {};
obj[noContext] = val;
val = obj;
if (!this.strings[language][key]) {
this.strings[language][key] = {};
for (var context in val) {
var str = val[context];
if (!angular.isArray(str)) {
// Expand single strings
this.strings[language][key][context] = [];
this.strings[language][key][context][defaultPlural] = str;
} else {
this.strings[language][key][context] = str;
* @ngdoc method
* @name gettextCatalog#getStringFormFor
* @protected
* @param {String} language language name
* @param {String} string translation key
* @param {Number=} n number to build sting form for
* @param {String=} context translation key context, e.g. {@link doc:context Verb, Noun}
* @returns {String|Null} translated or annotated string or null if language is not set
* @description Translate a string with the given language, count and context.
getStringFormFor: function (language, string, n, context) {
if (!language) {
return null;
var stringTable = this.strings[language] || {};
var contexts = stringTable[string] || {};
var plurals = contexts[context || noContext] || [];
return plurals[gettextPlurals(language, n)];
* @ngdoc method
* @name gettextCatalog#getString
* @public
* @param {String} string translation key
* @param {$rootScope.Scope=} scope scope to do interpolation against
* @param {String=} context translation key context, e.g. {@link doc:context Verb, Noun}
* @returns {String} translated or annotated string
* @description Translate a string with the given scope and context.
* First it tries {@link gettextCatalog#currentLanguage gettextCatalog#currentLanguage} (e.g. `en-US`) then {@link gettextFallbackLanguage fallback} (e.g. `en`).
* When `scope` is supplied it uses Angular.JS interpolation, so something like this will do what you expect:
* ```js
* var hello = gettextCatalog.getString("Hello {{name}}!", { name: "Ruben" });
* // var hello will be "Hallo Ruben!" in Dutch.
* ```
* Avoid using scopes - this skips interpolation and is a lot faster.
getString: function (string, scope, context) {
var fallbackLanguage = gettextFallbackLanguage(this.currentLanguage);
string = this.getStringFormFor(this.currentLanguage, string, 1, context) ||
this.getStringFormFor(fallbackLanguage, string, 1, context) ||
string = scope ? $interpolate(string)(scope) : string;
return addTranslatedMarkers(string);
* @ngdoc method
* @name gettextCatalog#getPlural
* @public
* @param {Number} n number to build sting form for
* @param {String} string translation key
* @param {String} stringPlural plural translation key
* @param {$rootScope.Scope=} scope scope to do interpolation against
* @param {String=} context translation key context, e.g. {@link doc:context Verb, Noun}
* @returns {String} translated or annotated string
* @see {@link gettextCatalog#getString gettextCatalog#getString} for details
* @description Translate a plural string with the given context.
getPlural: function (n, string, stringPlural, scope, context) {
var fallbackLanguage = gettextFallbackLanguage(this.currentLanguage);
string = this.getStringFormFor(this.currentLanguage, string, n, context) ||
this.getStringFormFor(fallbackLanguage, string, n, context) ||
prefixDebug(n === 1 ? string : stringPlural);
if (scope) {
scope.$count = n;
string = $interpolate(string)(scope);
return addTranslatedMarkers(string);
* @ngdoc method
* @name gettextCatalog#loadRemote
* @public
* @param {String} url location of the translations
* @description Load a set of translation strings from a given URL.
* This should be a JSON catalog generated with [angular-gettext-tools](
* {@link guide:lazy-loading More details here}.
loadRemote: function (url) {
return $http({
method: 'GET',
url: url,
cache: catalog.cache
}).then(function (response) {
var data =;
for (var lang in data) {
catalog.setStrings(lang, data[lang]);
return response;
return catalog;
* @ngdoc directive
* @module gettext
* @name translate
* @requires gettextCatalog
* @requires gettextUtil
* @requires$parse $parse
* @requires$animate $animate
* @requires$compile $compile
* @requires$window $window
* @restrict AE
* @param {String} [translatePlural] plural form
* @param {Number} translateN value to watch to substitute correct plural form
* @param {String} translateContext context value, e.g. {@link doc:context Verb, Noun}
* @description Annotates and translates text inside directive
* Full interpolation support is available in translated strings, so the following will work as expected:
* ```js
* <div translate>Hello {{name}}!</div>
* ```
* You can also use custom context parameters while interpolating. This approach allows usage
* of angular filters as well as custom logic inside your translated messages without unnecessary impact on translations.
* So for example when you have message like this:
* ```js
* <div translate>Last modified {{modificationDate | date:'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss Z'}} by {{author}}.</div>
* ```
* you will have it extracted in exact same version so it would look like this:
* `Last modified {{modificationDate | date:'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss Z'}} by {{author}}`.
* To start with it might be too complicated to read and handle by non technical translator. It's easy to make mistake
* when copying format for example. Secondly if you decide to change format by some point of the project translation will broke
* as it won't be the same string anymore.
* Instead your translator should only be concerned to place {{modificationDate}} correctly and you should have a free hand
* to modify implementation details on how to present the results. This is how you can achieve the goal:
* ```js
* <div translate translate-params-modification-date="modificationDate | date:'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss Z'">Last modified {{modificationDate}} by {{author}}.</div>
* ```
* There's a few more things worth to point out:
* 1. You can use as many parameters as you want. Each parameter begins with `translate-params-` followed by snake-case parameter name.
* Each parameter will be available for interpolation in camelCase manner (just like angular directive works by default).
* ```js
* <div translate translate-params-my-custom-param="param1" translate-params-name="name">Param {{myCustomParam}} has been changed by {{name}}.</div>
* ```
* 2. You can rename your variables from current scope to simple ones if you like.
* ```js
* <div translate translate-params-date="veryUnintuitiveNameForDate">Today's date is: {{date}}.</div>
* ```
* 3. You can use translate-params only for some interpolations. Rest would be treated as usual.
* ```js
* <div translate translate-params-cost="cost | currency">This product: {{product}} costs {{cost}}.</div>
* ```
angular.module('gettext').directive('translate', ["gettextCatalog", "$parse", "$animate", "$compile", "$window", "gettextUtil", function (gettextCatalog, $parse, $animate, $compile, $window, gettextUtil) {
var msie = parseInt((/msie (\d+)/.exec(angular.lowercase($window.navigator.userAgent)) || [])[1], 10);
var PARAMS_PREFIX = 'translateParams';
function getCtxAttr(key) {
return gettextUtil.lcFirst(key.replace(PARAMS_PREFIX, ''));
function handleInterpolationContext(scope, attrs, update) {
var attributes = Object.keys(attrs).filter(function (key) {
return gettextUtil.startsWith(key, PARAMS_PREFIX) && key !== PARAMS_PREFIX;
if (!attributes.length) {
return null;
var interpolationContext = angular.extend({}, scope);
var unwatchers = [];
attributes.forEach(function (attribute) {
var unwatch = scope.$watch(attrs[attribute], function (newVal) {
var key = getCtxAttr(attribute);
interpolationContext[key] = newVal;
scope.$on('$destroy', function () {
unwatchers.forEach(function (unwatch) {
return interpolationContext;
return {
restrict: 'AE',
terminal: true,
compile: function compile(element, attrs) {
// Validate attributes
gettextUtil.assert(!attrs.translatePlural || attrs.translateN, 'translate-n', 'translate-plural');
gettextUtil.assert(!attrs.translateN || attrs.translatePlural, 'translate-plural', 'translate-n');
var msgid = gettextUtil.trim(element.html());
var translatePlural = attrs.translatePlural;
var translateContext = attrs.translateContext;
if (msie <= 8) {
// Workaround fix relating to angular adding a comment node to
// anchors. angular/angular.js/#1949 / angular/angular.js/#2013
if (msgid.slice(-13) === '<!--IE fix-->') {
msgid = msgid.slice(0, -13);
return {
post: function (scope, element, attrs) {
var countFn = $parse(attrs.translateN);
var pluralScope = null;
var linking = true;
function update(interpolationContext) {
interpolationContext = interpolationContext || null;
// Fetch correct translated string.
var translated;
if (translatePlural) {
scope = pluralScope || (pluralScope = scope.$new());
scope.$count = countFn(scope);
translated = gettextCatalog.getPlural(scope.$count, msgid, translatePlural, interpolationContext, translateContext);
} else {
translated = gettextCatalog.getString(msgid, interpolationContext, translateContext);
var oldContents = element.contents();
if (!oldContents && !translated){
// Avoid redundant swaps
if (translated === gettextUtil.trim(oldContents.html())){
// Take care of unlinked content
if (linking){
// Swap in the translation
var newWrapper = angular.element('<span>' + translated + '</span>');
var newContents = newWrapper.contents();
$animate.enter(newContents, element);
var interpolationContext = handleInterpolationContext(scope, attrs, update);
linking = false;
if (attrs.translateN) {
scope.$watch(attrs.translateN, function () {
* @ngdoc event
* @name translate#gettextLanguageChanged
* @eventType listen on scope
* @description Listens for language updates and changes translation accordingly
scope.$on('gettextLanguageChanged', function () {
* @ngdoc factory
* @module gettext
* @name gettextFallbackLanguage
* @param {String} langCode language code
* @returns {String|Null} fallback language
* @description Strips regional code and returns language code only
* Example
* ```js
* gettextFallbackLanguage('ru'); // "null"
* gettextFallbackLanguage('en_GB'); // "en"
* gettextFallbackLanguage(); // null
* ```
angular.module("gettext").factory("gettextFallbackLanguage", function () {
var cache = {};
var pattern = /([^_]+)_[^_]+$/;
return function (langCode) {
if (cache[langCode]) {
return cache[langCode];
var matches = pattern.exec(langCode);
if (matches) {
cache[langCode] = matches[1];
return matches[1];
return null;
* @ngdoc filter
* @module gettext
* @name translate
* @requires gettextCatalog
* @param {String} input translation key
* @param {String} context context to evaluate key against
* @returns {String} translated string or annotated key
* @see {@link doc:context Verb, Noun}
* @description Takes key and returns string
* Sometimes it's not an option to use an attribute (e.g. when you want to annotate an attribute value).
* There's a `translate` filter available for this purpose.
* ```html
* <input type="text" placeholder="{{'Username'|translate}}" />
* ```
* This filter does not support plural strings.
* You may want to use {@link guide:custom-annotations custom annotations} to avoid using the `translate` filter all the time. * Is
angular.module('gettext').filter('translate', ["gettextCatalog", function (gettextCatalog) {
function filter(input, context) {
return gettextCatalog.getString(input, null, context);
filter.$stateful = true;
return filter;
// Do not edit this file, it is autogenerated using!
angular.module("gettext").factory("gettextPlurals", function () {
var languageCodes = {
"pt_BR": "pt_BR",
"pt-BR": "pt_BR"
return function (langCode, n) {
switch (getLanguageCode(langCode)) {
case "ay": // Aymará
case "bo": // Tibetan
case "cgg": // Chiga
case "dz": // Dzongkha
case "fa": // Persian
case "id": // Indonesian
case "ja": // Japanese
case "jbo": // Lojban
case "ka": // Georgian
case "kk": // Kazakh
case "km": // Khmer
case "ko": // Korean
case "ky": // Kyrgyz
case "lo": // Lao
case "ms": // Malay
case "my": // Burmese
case "sah": // Yakut
case "su": // Sundanese
case "th": // Thai
case "tt": // Tatar
case "ug": // Uyghur
case "vi": // Vietnamese
case "wo": // Wolof
case "zh": // Chinese
// 1 form
return 0;
case "is": // Icelandic
// 2 forms
return (n%10!=1 || n%100==11) ? 1 : 0;
case "jv": // Javanese
// 2 forms
return n!=0 ? 1 : 0;
case "mk": // Macedonian
// 2 forms
return n==1 || n%10==1 ? 0 : 1;
case "ach": // Acholi
case "ak": // Akan
case "am": // Amharic
case "arn": // Mapudungun
case "br": // Breton
case "fil": // Filipino
case "fr": // French
case "gun": // Gun
case "ln": // Lingala
case "mfe": // Mauritian Creole
case "mg": // Malagasy
case "mi": // Maori
case "oc": // Occitan
case "pt_BR": // Brazilian Portuguese
case "tg": // Tajik
case "ti": // Tigrinya
case "tr": // Turkish
case "uz": // Uzbek
case "wa": // Walloon
case "zh": // Chinese
// 2 forms
return n>1 ? 1 : 0;
case "lv": // Latvian
// 3 forms
return (n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n != 0 ? 1 : 2);
case "lt": // Lithuanian
// 3 forms
return (n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);
case "be": // Belarusian
case "bs": // Bosnian
case "hr": // Croatian
case "ru": // Russian
case "sr": // Serbian
case "uk": // Ukrainian
// 3 forms
return (n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);
case "mnk": // Mandinka
// 3 forms
return (n==0 ? 0 : n==1 ? 1 : 2);
case "ro": // Romanian
// 3 forms
return (n==1 ? 0 : (n==0 || (n%100 > 0 && n%100 < 20)) ? 1 : 2);
case "pl": // Polish
// 3 forms
return (n==1 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);
case "cs": // Czech
case "sk": // Slovak
// 3 forms
return (n==1) ? 0 : (n>=2 && n<=4) ? 1 : 2;
case "sl": // Slovenian
// 4 forms
return (n%100==1 ? 1 : n%100==2 ? 2 : n%100==3 || n%100==4 ? 3 : 0);
case "mt": // Maltese
// 4 forms
return (n==1 ? 0 : n==0 || ( n%100>1 && n%100<11) ? 1 : (n%100>10 && n%100<20 ) ? 2 : 3);
case "gd": // Scottish Gaelic
// 4 forms
return (n==1 || n==11) ? 0 : (n==2 || n==12) ? 1 : (n > 2 && n < 20) ? 2 : 3;
case "cy": // Welsh
// 4 forms
return (n==1) ? 0 : (n==2) ? 1 : (n != 8 && n != 11) ? 2 : 3;
case "kw": // Cornish
// 4 forms
return (n==1) ? 0 : (n==2) ? 1 : (n == 3) ? 2 : 3;
case "ga": // Irish
// 5 forms
return n==1 ? 0 : n==2 ? 1 : n<7 ? 2 : n<11 ? 3 : 4;
case "ar": // Arabic
// 6 forms
return (n==0 ? 0 : n==1 ? 1 : n==2 ? 2 : n%100>=3 && n%100<=10 ? 3 : n%100>=11 ? 4 : 5);
default: // Everything else
return n != 1 ? 1 : 0;
* Method extracts iso639-2 language code from code with locale e.g. pl_PL, en_US, etc.
* If it's provided with standalone iso639-2 language code it simply returns it.
* @param {String} langCode
* @returns {String} iso639-2 language Code
function getLanguageCode(langCode) {
if (!languageCodes[langCode]) {
languageCodes[langCode] = langCode.split(/\-|_/).shift();
return languageCodes[langCode];
* @ngdoc factory
* @module gettext
* @name gettextUtil
* @description Utility service for common operations and polyfills.
angular.module('gettext').factory('gettextUtil', function gettextUtil() {
* @ngdoc method
* @name gettextUtil#trim
* @public
* @param {string} value String to be trimmed.
* @description Trim polyfill for old browsers (instead of jQuery). Based on AngularJS-v1.2.2 (angular.js#620).
* Example
* ```js
* gettextUtil.assert(' no blanks '); // "no blanks"
* ```
var trim = (function () {
if (!String.prototype.trim) {
return function (value) {
return (typeof value === 'string') ? value.replace(/^\s*/, '').replace(/\s*$/, '') : value;
return function (value) {
return (typeof value === 'string') ? value.trim() : value;
* @ngdoc method
* @name gettextUtil#assert
* @public
* @param {bool} condition condition to check
* @param {String} missing name of the directive missing attribute
* @param {String} found name of attribute that has been used with directive
* @description Throws error if condition is not met, which means that directive was used with certain parameter
* that requires another one (which is missing).
* Example
* ```js
* gettextUtil.assert(!attrs.translatePlural || attrs.translateN, 'translate-n', 'translate-plural');
* //You should add a translate-n attribute whenever you add a translate-plural attribute.
* ```
function assert(condition, missing, found) {
if (!condition) {
throw new Error('You should add a ' + missing + ' attribute whenever you add a ' + found + ' attribute.');
* @ngdoc method
* @name gettextUtil#startsWith
* @public
* @param {string} target String on which checking will occur.
* @param {string} query String expected to be at the beginning of target.
* @returns {boolean} Returns true if object has no ownProperties. For arrays returns true if length == 0.
* @description Checks if string starts with another string.
* Example
* ```js
* gettextUtil.startsWith('Home sweet home.', 'Home'); //true
* gettextUtil.startsWith('Home sweet home.', 'sweet'); //false
* ```
function startsWith(target, query) {
return target.indexOf(query) === 0;
* @ngdoc method
* @name gettextUtil#lcFirst
* @public
* @param {string} target String to transform.
* @returns {string} Strings beginning with lowercase letter.
* @description Makes first letter of the string lower case
* Example
* ```js
* gettextUtil.lcFirst('Home Sweet Home.'); //'home Sweet Home'
* gettextUtil.lcFirst('ShouldBeCamelCase.'); //'shouldBeCamelCase'
* ```
function lcFirst(target) {
var first = target.charAt(0).toLowerCase();
return first + target.substr(1);
return {
trim: trim,
assert: assert,
startsWith: startsWith,
lcFirst: lcFirst