
487 lines
17 KiB
Raw Normal View History

'use strict';
var cheerio = require('cheerio');
var Po = require('pofile');
var babylon = require('babylon');
var tsParser = require('typescript-eslint-parser');
var search = require('binary-search');
var _ = require('lodash');
var escapeRegex = /[\-\[\]\/\{\}\(\)\*\+\?\.\\\^\$\|]/g;
var noContext = '$$noContext';
function mkAttrRegex(startDelim, endDelim, attribute) {
var start = startDelim.replace(escapeRegex, '\\$&');
var end = endDelim.replace(escapeRegex, '\\$&');
if (start === '' && end === '') {
start = '^';
} else {
// match optional :: (Angular 1.3's bind once syntax) without capturing
start += '(?:\\s*\\:\\:\\s*)?';
if (!_.isString(attribute) || attribute.length === 0) {
attribute = 'translate';
return new RegExp(start + '\\s*(\'|"|"|')(.*?)\\1\\s*\\|\\s*' + attribute + '\\s*:?\\s?(?:(\'|"|"|')\\s*(.*?)\\3)?\\s*(?:' + end + '|\\|)', 'g');
function stringCompare(a, b) {
return a === b ? 0 : a > b ? 1 : -1;
function contextCompare(a, b) {
if (a !== null && b === null) {
return -1;
} else if (a === null && b !== null) {
return 1;
return stringCompare(a, b);
function comments2String(comments) {
return comments.join(', ');
function walkJs(node, fn, parentComment) {
fn(node, parentComment);
// Handle ts comments
if (node && node.comments) {
parentComment = node;
for (var key in node) {
var obj = node[key];
if (node && node.leadingComments) {
parentComment = node;
if (typeof obj === 'object') {
walkJs(obj, fn, parentComment);
function isStringLiteral(node) {
return node.type === 'StringLiteral' || (node.type === 'Literal' && typeof(node.value) === 'string');
function getJSExpression(node) {
var res = '';
if (isStringLiteral(node)) {
res = node.value;
if (node.type === 'TemplateLiteral') {
node.quasis.forEach(function (elem) {
res += elem.value.raw;
if (node.type === 'BinaryExpression' && node.operator === '+') {
res += getJSExpression(node.left);
res += getJSExpression(node.right);
return res;
var Extractor = (function () {
function Extractor(options) {
this.options = _.extend({
startDelim: '{{',
endDelim: '}}',
markerName: 'gettext',
markerNames: [],
moduleName: 'gettextCatalog',
moduleMethodString: 'getString',
moduleMethodPlural: 'getPlural',
attribute: 'translate',
attributes: [],
lineNumbers: true,
extensions: {
htm: 'html',
html: 'html',
php: 'html',
phtml: 'html',
tml: 'html',
ejs: 'html',
erb: 'html',
js: 'js',
tag: 'html',
jsp: 'html',
ts: 'js',
tsx: 'js',
postProcess: function (po) {}
}, options);
this.strings = {};
this.attrRegex = mkAttrRegex(this.options.startDelim, this.options.endDelim, this.options.attribute);
this.noDelimRegex = mkAttrRegex('', '', this.options.attribute);
Extractor.isValidStrategy = function (strategy) {
return strategy === 'html' || strategy === 'js';
Extractor.mkAttrRegex = mkAttrRegex;
Extractor.prototype.addString = function (reference, string, plural, extractedComment, context) {
// maintain backwards compatibility
if (_.isString(reference)) {
reference = { file: reference };
string = string.trim();
if (string.length === 0) {
if (!context) {
context = noContext;
if (!this.strings[string]) {
this.strings[string] = {};
if (!this.strings[string][context]) {
this.strings[string][context] = new Po.Item();
var item = this.strings[string][context];
item.msgid = string;
var refString = reference.file;
if (this.options.lineNumbers && reference.location && reference.location.start) {
var line = reference.location.start.line;
if (line || line === 0) {
refString += ':' + reference.location.start.line;
var refIndex = search(item.references, refString, stringCompare);
if (refIndex < 0) { // don't add duplicate references
// when not found, binary-search returns -(index_where_it_should_be + 1)
item.references.splice(Math.abs(refIndex + 1), 0, refString);
if (context !== noContext) {
item.msgctxt = context;
if (plural && plural !== '') {
if (item.msgid_plural && item.msgid_plural !== plural) {
throw new Error('Incompatible plural definitions for ' + string + ': ' + item.msgid_plural + ' / ' + plural + ' (in: ' + (item.references.join(', ')) + ')');
item.msgid_plural = plural;
item.msgstr = ['', ''];
if (extractedComment) {
var commentIndex = search(item.extractedComments, extractedComment, stringCompare);
if (commentIndex < 0) { // don't add duplicate comments
item.extractedComments.splice(Math.abs(commentIndex + 1), 0, extractedComment);
Extractor.prototype.extractJs = function (filename, src, lineNumber) {
// used for line number of JS in HTML <script> tags
lineNumber = lineNumber || 0;
var self = this;
var syntax;
var extension = filename.split('.').pop();
try {
if (extension === 'ts' || extension === 'tsx') {
syntax = tsParser.parse(src, {
sourceType: 'module',
comment: true,
ecmaFeatures: {
jsx: true
} else {
syntax = babylon.parse(src, {
sourceType: 'module',
plugins: [
} catch (err) {
var errMsg = 'Error parsing';
if (filename) {
errMsg += ' ' + filename;
if (err.lineNumber) {
errMsg += ' at line ' + err.lineNumber;
errMsg += ' column ' + err.column;
function isGettext(node) {
return node !== null &&
node.type === 'CallExpression' &&
node.callee !== null &&
(self.options.markerNames.indexOf( > -1 || ( &&
self.options.markerNames.indexOf( > -1
)) &&
node.arguments !== null &&
function isGetString(node) {
return node !== null &&
node.type === 'CallExpression' &&
node.callee !== null &&
node.callee.type === 'MemberExpression' &&
node.callee.object !== null && ( === self.options.moduleName || (
// also allow gettextCatalog calls on objects like this.gettextCatalog.getString() && === self.options.moduleName)) && !== null && === self.options.moduleMethodString &&
node.arguments !== null &&
function isGetPlural(node) {
return node !== null &&
node.type === 'CallExpression' &&
node.callee !== null &&
node.callee.type === 'MemberExpression' &&
node.callee.object !== null && ( === self.options.moduleName || (
// also allow gettextCatalog calls on objects like this.gettextCatalog.getPlural() && === self.options.moduleName)) && !== null && === self.options.moduleMethodPlural &&
node.arguments !== null &&
function isTemplateElement(node) {
return node !== null &&
node.type === 'TemplateElement' &&
node.value &&
walkJs(syntax, function (node, parentComment) {
var str;
var context;
var singular;
var plural;
var extractedComments = [];
var reference = {
file: filename,
location: (function () {
if (!node || !node.loc || !node.loc.start) {
return null;
return {
start: {
line: node.loc.start.line + lineNumber
if (isGettext(node) || isGetString(node)) {
str = getJSExpression(node.arguments[0]);
if (node.arguments[2]) {
context = getJSExpression(node.arguments[2]);
} else if (isGetPlural(node)) {
singular = getJSExpression(node.arguments[1]);
plural = getJSExpression(node.arguments[2]);
if (node.arguments[4]) {
context = getJSExpression(node.arguments[4]);
} else if (isTemplateElement(node)) {
var line = reference.location && reference.location.start.line ? reference.location.start.line - 1 : 0;
self.extractHtml(reference.file, node.value.raw, line);
if (str || singular) {
var leadingComments = node.leadingComments || (parentComment ? parentComment.leadingComments : []);
if (leadingComments) {
leadingComments.forEach(function (comment) {
if (comment.value.match(/^\/ .*/)) {
extractedComments.push(comment.value.replace(/^\/ /, ''));
// Handle ts comments
if (parentComment.comments) {
var commentFound = 0;
parentComment.comments.forEach(function (comment) {
if (comment.type === 'Line' &&
comment.loc.start.line === (reference.location.start.line - commentFound - 1) &&
comment.value.match(/^\/ .*/)) {
extractedComments.push(comment.value.replace(/^\/ /, ''));
if (str) {
self.addString(reference, str, plural, comments2String(extractedComments), context);
} else if (singular) {
self.addString(reference, singular, plural, comments2String(extractedComments), context);
Extractor.prototype.extractHtml = function (filename, src, lineNumber) {
var extractHtml = function (src, lineNumber) {
var $ = cheerio.load(src, { decodeEntities: false, withStartIndices: true });
var self = this;
var newlines = function (index) {
return src.substr(0, index).match(/\n/g) || [];
var reference = function (index) {
return {
file: filename,
location: {
start: {
line: lineNumber + newlines(index).length + 1
$('*').each(function (index, n) {
var node = $(n);
var getAttr = function (attr) {
return node.attr(attr) ||;
var str = node.html();
var extracted = {};
var possibleAttributes = self.options.attributes;
possibleAttributes.forEach(function (attr) {
extracted[attr] = {
plural: getAttr(attr + '-plural'),
extractedComment: getAttr(attr + '-comment'),
context: getAttr(attr + '-context')
if ( === 'script') {
if (n.attribs.type === 'text/ng-template') {
extractHtml(node.text(), newlines(n.startIndex).length);
// In HTML5, type defaults to text/javascript.
// In HTML4, it's required, so if it's not there, just assume it's JS
if (!n.attribs.type || n.attribs.type === 'text/javascript') {
self.extractJs(filename, node.text(), newlines(n.startIndex).length);
if ( {
self.addString(reference(n.startIndex), str, extracted[self.options.attribute].plural, extracted[self.options.attribute].extractedComment, extracted[self.options.attribute].context);
for (var attr in node.attr()) {
attr = attr.replace(/^data-/, '');
if (possibleAttributes.indexOf(attr) > -1) {
var attrValue = extracted[attr];
str = node.html(); // this shouldn't be necessary, but it is
self.addString(reference(n.startIndex), str || getAttr(attr) || '', attrValue.plural, attrValue.extractedComment, attrValue.context);
} else if (matches = self.noDelimRegex.exec(getAttr(attr))) {
str = matches[2].replace(/\\\'/g, '\'');
self.addString(reference(n.startIndex), str);
self.noDelimRegex.lastIndex = 0;
var matches;
while (matches = this.attrRegex.exec(src)) {
var str = matches[2].replace(/\\\'/g, '\'');
var context = matches[4] ? matches[4].replace(/\\\'/g, '\'') : null;
this.addString(reference(matches.index), str, null, null, context);
extractHtml(src, lineNumber || 0);
Extractor.prototype.isSupportedByStrategy = function (strategy, extension) {
return (extension in this.options.extensions) && (this.options.extensions[extension] === strategy);
Extractor.prototype.parse = function (filename, content) {
var extension = filename.split('.').pop();
if (this.isSupportedByStrategy('html', extension)) {
this.extractHtml(filename, content);
if (this.isSupportedByStrategy('js', extension)) {
this.extractJs(filename, content);
Extractor.prototype.toString = function () {
var catalog = new Po();
catalog.headers = {
'Content-Type': 'text/plain; charset=UTF-8',
'Content-Transfer-Encoding': '8bit',
'Project-Id-Version': ''
var sortedItems = [];
for (var msgstr in this.strings) {
var msg = this.strings[msgstr];
var contexts = Object.keys(msg);
for (var i = 0; i < contexts.length; i++) {
sortedItems.push([msg[contexts[i]], i]);
sortedItems.sort(function (a, b) {
return contextCompare(a[0].msgctxt, b[0].msgctxt) || stringCompare(a[0].msgid, b[0].msgid) || (a[1] - b[1]);
for (var j = 0; j < sortedItems.length; j++) {
return catalog.toString();
return Extractor;
module.exports = Extractor;